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Server IP :  /  Your IP :
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System : Linux sma1wiradesa.sch.id 4.15.0-213-generic #224-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 19 13:30:12 UTC 2023 x86_64
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PHP Version : 7.3.33-10+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
Disable Function : pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_get_handler,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,pcntl_async_signals,
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Current File : /usr/share/usermin/ui-lib.pl
use vars qw($theme_no_table $ui_radio_selector_donejs $module_name
	    $ui_multi_select_donejs, $ui_formcount);

=head1 ui-lib.pl

Common functions for generating HTML for Webmin user interface elements.
Some example code :

 use WebminCore;
 ui_print_header(undef, 'My Module', '');

 print ui_form_start('save.cgi');
 print ui_table_start('My form', undef, 2);

 print ui_table_row('Enter your name',
	ui_textbox('name', undef, 40));

 print ui_table_end();
 print ui_form_end([ [ undef, 'Save' ] ]);

 ui_print_footer('/', 'Webmin index');


####################### utility functions

=head2 ui_link(href, text, [class], [tags])

Returns HTML for an <a href>.

=item href - Link

=item text - Text to display for link

=item class - Optional additional CSS classes to include

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <a> tag.


sub ui_link
return &theme_ui_link(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_link));
my ($href, $text, $class, $tags) = @_;
return ("<a class='ui_link".($class ? " ".$class : "")."' href='$href'".($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">$text</a>");

=head2 ui_help(title)

Returns HTML for help tooltip bubble

=item title - help tooltip title


sub ui_help
return &theme_ui_help(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_help));
my ($title) = @_;
$title = html_strip($title);
return ("<sup class=\"ui_help\" aria-label=\"$title\" data-tooltip><samp>?</samp></sup>");

=head2 ui_img(src, alt, title, [class], [tags])

Returns HTML for an <img src>.

=item src - Image path and filename

=item alt - Alt text for screen readers, etc.

=item title - Element title, and tooltip when user hovers over image

=item class - Optional additional CSS classes to include

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <img> tag


sub ui_img
return &theme_ui_img(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_img));
my ($src, $alt, $title, $class, $tags) = @_;
return ("<img src='".$src."' class='ui_img".($class ? " ".$class : "")."' alt='$alt' ".($title ? "title='$title'" : "").($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">");

=head2 ui_link_button(href, text, [target], [tags])

Returns HTML for a button, which opens a URL when clicked. The parameters are :

=item href - Link URL

=item text - Text to display on the button

=item target - Window name to open the link in

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.


sub ui_link_button
return &theme_ui_link_button(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_link_button));
my ($href, $label, $target, $tags) = @_;
$target ||= "_self";
return &ui_button($label, undef, 0,
	"onClick='window.open(\"".&quote_javascript($href)."\", \"$target\")' ".

####################### table generation functions

=head2 ui_table_start(heading, [tabletags], [cols], [&default-tds], [right-heading])

Returns HTML for the start of a form block into which labelled inputs can
be placed. By default this is implemented as a table with another table inside
it, but themes may override this with their own layout.

The parameters are :

=item heading - Text to show at the top of the form.

=item tabletags - HTML attributes to put in the outer <table>, typically something like width=100%.

=item cols - Desired number of columns for labels and fields. Defaults to 4, but can be 2 for forms with lots of wide inputs.

=item default-tds - An optional array reference of HTML attributes for the <td> tags in each row of the table.

=item right-heading - HTML to appear in the heading, aligned to the right.

sub ui_table_start
return &theme_ui_table_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_start));
my ($heading, $tabletags, $cols, $tds, $rightheading) = @_;
if (defined($main::ui_table_cols)) {
	# Push on stack, for nested call
	push(@main::ui_table_cols_stack, $main::ui_table_cols);
	push(@main::ui_table_pos_stack, $main::ui_table_pos);
	push(@main::ui_table_default_tds_stack, $main::ui_table_default_tds);
my $colspan = 1;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<table class='ui_table' border $tabletags>\n";
if (defined($heading) || defined($rightheading)) {
	$rv .= "<tr".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")." class='ui_table_head'>";
	if (defined($heading)) {
		$rv .= "<td><b>$heading</b></td>"
	if (defined($rightheading)) {
		$rv .= "<td align='right'>$rightheading</td>";
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
$rv .= "<tr".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." class='ui_table_body'> <td colspan='$colspan'>".
       "<table width='100%'>\n";
$main::ui_table_cols = $cols || 4;
$main::ui_table_pos = 0;
$main::ui_table_default_tds = $tds;
return $rv;

=head2 ui_table_end

Returns HTML for the end of a block started by ui_table_start.

sub ui_table_end
return &theme_ui_table_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_end));
my $rv;
if ($main::ui_table_cols == 4 && $main::ui_table_pos) {
	# Add an empty block to balance the table
	$rv .= &ui_table_row(" ", " ");
if (@main::ui_table_cols_stack) {
	$main::ui_table_cols = pop(@main::ui_table_cols_stack);
	$main::ui_table_pos = pop(@main::ui_table_pos_stack);
	$main::ui_table_default_tds = pop(@main::ui_table_default_tds_stack);
else {
	$main::ui_table_cols = undef;
	$main::ui_table_pos = undef;
	$main::ui_table_default_tds = undef;
$rv .= "</table></td></tr></table>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_table_row(label, value, [cols], [&td-tags], [&tr-tags])

Returns HTML for a row in a table started by ui_table_start, with a 1-column
label and 1+ column value. The parameters are :

=item label - Label for the input field. If this is undef, no label is displayed.

=item value - HTML for the input part of the row.

=item cols - Number of columns the value should take up, defaulting to 1.

=item td-tags - Array reference of HTML attributes for the <td> tags in this row.

=item tr-tags - Array reference of HTML attributes and class names for the <tr> tag.

sub ui_table_row
return &theme_ui_table_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_row));
my ($label, $value, $cols, $tds, $trs) = @_;
$cols ||= 1;
$tds ||= $main::ui_table_default_tds;
my $rv;
if ($main::ui_table_pos+$cols+1 > $main::ui_table_cols &&
    $main::ui_table_pos != 0) {
	# If the requested number of cols won't fit in the number
	# remaining, start a new row
	my $leftover = $main::ui_table_cols - $main::ui_table_pos;
	$rv .= "<td colspan='$leftover'></td>\n";
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
	$main::ui_table_pos = 0;
my $trtags_attrs = ref($trs) eq 'ARRAY' && $trs->[0] ? " $trs->[0]" : "";
my $trtags_class = ref($trs) eq 'ARRAY' && $trs->[1] ? " $trs->[1]" : "";
$rv .= "<tr class='ui_table_row$trtags_class'$trtags_attrs>\n"
	if ($main::ui_table_pos%$main::ui_table_cols == 0);
if (defined($label) &&
    ($value =~ /id="([^"]+)"/ || $value =~ /id='([^']+)'/ ||
     $value =~ /id=([^>\s]+)/)) {
	# Value contains an input with an ID
	my $id = $1;
	$label = "<label for=\"".&quote_escape($id)."\">$label</label>";
$rv .= "<td valign='top' $tds->[0] class='ui_label'><b>$label</b></td>\n"
	if (defined($label));
$rv .= "<td valign='top' colspan='$cols' $tds->[1] class='ui_value'>$value</td>\n";
$main::ui_table_pos += $cols+(defined($label) ? 1 : 0);
if ($main::ui_table_pos%$main::ui_table_cols == 0) {
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
	$main::ui_table_pos = 0;
return $rv;

=head2 ui_table_hr

Returns HTML for a row in a block started by ui_table_row, with a horizontal
line inside it to separate sections.

sub ui_table_hr
return &theme_ui_table_hr(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_hr));
my $rv;
if ($ui_table_pos) {
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
	$ui_table_pos = 0;
$rv .= "<tr class='ui_table_hr'> ".
       "<td colspan='$main::ui_table_cols'><hr></td> </tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_table_span(text)

Outputs a table row that spans the whole table, and contains the given text.

sub ui_table_span
my ($text) = @_;
return &theme_ui_table_span(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_span));
my $rv;
if ($ui_table_pos) {
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
	$ui_table_pos = 0;
$rv .= "<tr class='ui_table_span'> ".
       "<td colspan='$main::ui_table_cols'>$text</td> </tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_columns_start(&headings, [width-percent], [noborder], [&tdtags], [heading])

Returns HTML for the start of a multi-column table, with the given headings.
The parameters are :

=item headings - An array reference of headers for the table's columns.

=item width-percent - Desired width as a percentage, or undef to let the browser decide.

=item noborder - Set to 1 if the table should not have a border.

=item tdtags - An optional reference to an array of HTML attributes for the table's <td> tags.

=item heading - An optional heading to put above the table.

sub ui_columns_start
return &theme_ui_columns_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_start));
my ($heads, $width, $noborder, $tdtags, $title) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<table".($noborder ? "" : " border").
		(defined($width) ? " width='$width%'" : "")." class='ui_columns'>\n";
if ($title) {
	$rv .= "<tr".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")." class='ui_columns_heading'>".
	       "<td colspan='".scalar(@$heads)."'><b>$title</b></td></tr>\n";
$rv .= "<tr".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")." class='ui_columns_heads'>\n";
my $i;
for($i=0; $i<@$heads; $i++) {
	$rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i]."><b>".
	       ($heads->[$i] eq "" ? "<br>" : $heads->[$i])."</b></td>\n";
$rv .= "</tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_columns_row(&columns, &tdtags)

Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table. The parameters are :

=item columns - Reference to an array containing the HTML to show in the columns for this row.

=item tdtags - An optional array reference containing HTML attributes for the row's <td> tags.

sub ui_columns_row
return &theme_ui_columns_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_row));
my ($cols, $tdtags) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<tr".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." class='ui_columns_row'>\n";
my $i;
for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) {
	$rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i].">".
	       ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i])."</td>\n";
$rv .= "</tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_columns_header(&columns, &tdtags)

Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table, styled as a header. Parameters
are the same as ui_columns_row.

sub ui_columns_header
return &theme_ui_columns_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_header));
my ($cols, $tdtags) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<tr".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")." class='ui_columns_header'>\n";
my $i;
for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) {
	$rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i]."><b>".
	       ($cols->[$i] eq "" ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i])."</b></td>\n";
$rv .= "</tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_checked_columns_row(&columns, &tdtags, checkname, checkvalue, [checked?], [disabled], [tags])

Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table, in which the first column
contains a checkbox. The parameters are :

=item columns - Reference to an array containing the HTML to show in the columns for this row.

=item tdtags - An optional array reference containing HTML attributes for the row's <td> tags.

=item checkname - Name for the checkbox input. Should be the same for all rows.

=item checkvalue - Value for this checkbox input.

=item checked - Set to 1 if it should be checked by default.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if the checkbox should be disabled and thus un-clickable.

=item tags - Extra HTML tags to include in the radio button.

sub ui_checked_columns_row
return &theme_ui_checked_columns_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_checked_columns_row));
my ($cols, $tdtags, $checkname, $checkvalue, $checked, $disabled, $tags) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<tr".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." class='ui_checked_columns'>\n";
$rv .= "<td class='ui_checked_checkbox' ".$tdtags->[0].">".
       &ui_checkbox($checkname, $checkvalue, undef, $checked, $tags, $disabled).
my $i;
for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) {
	$rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i+1].">";
	if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) {
		$rv .= "<label for=\"".
	$rv .= ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i]);
	if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) {
		$rv .= "</label>";
	$rv .= "</td>\n";
$rv .= "</tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_radio_columns_row(&columns, &tdtags, checkname, checkvalue, [checked], [disabled], [tags])

Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table, in which the first
column is a radio button. The parameters are :

=item columns - Reference to an array containing the HTML to show in the columns for this row.

=item tdtags - An optional array reference containing HTML attributes for the row's <td> tags.

=item checkname - Name for the radio button input. Should be the same for all rows.

=item checkvalue - Value for this radio button option.

=item checked - Set to 1 if it should be checked by default.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if the radio button should be disabled and thus un-clickable.

=item tags - Extra HTML tags to include in the radio button.

sub ui_radio_columns_row
return &theme_ui_radio_columns_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio_columns_row));
my ($cols, $tdtags, $checkname, $checkvalue, $checked, $dis, $tags) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<tr".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." class='ui_radio_columns'>\n";
$rv .= "<td class='ui_radio_radio' ".$tdtags->[0].">".
    &ui_oneradio($checkname, $checkvalue, "", $checked, undef, $dis)."</td>\n";
my $i;
for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) {
	$rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i+1].">";
	if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) {
		$rv .= "<label for=\"".
	$rv .= ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i]);
	if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) {
		$rv .= "</label>";
	$rv .= "</td>\n";
$rv .= "</tr>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_columns_end

Returns HTML to end a table started by ui_columns_start.

sub ui_columns_end
return &theme_ui_columns_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_end));
return "</table>\n";

=head2 ui_columns_table(&headings, width-percent, &data, &types, no-sort, title, empty-msg)

Returns HTML for a complete table, typically generated internally by
ui_columns_start, ui_columns_row and ui_columns_end. The parameters are :

=item headings - An array ref of heading HTML.

=item width-percent - Preferred total width

=item data - A 2x2 array ref of table contents. Each can either be a simple string, or a hash ref like :

  { 'type' => 'group', 'desc' => 'Some section title' }
  { 'type' => 'string', 'value' => 'Foo', 'colums' => 3,
    'nowrap' => 1 }
  { 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'd', 'value' => 'foo',
    'label' => 'Yes', 'checked' => 1, 'disabled' => 1 }
  { 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'd', 'value' => 'foo', ... }

=item types - An array ref of data types, such as 'string', 'number', 'bytes' or 'date'

=item no-sort - Set to 1 to disable sorting by theme.

=item title - Text to appear above the table.

=item empty-msg - Message to display if no data.

sub ui_columns_table
return &theme_ui_columns_table(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_table));
my ($heads, $width, $data, $types, $nosort, $title, $emptymsg) = @_;
my $rv;

# Just show empty message if no data
if ($emptymsg && !@$data) {
	$rv .= &ui_subheading($title) if ($title);
	$rv .= "<span class='ui_emptymsg'><b>$emptymsg</b></span><p>\n";
	return $rv;

# Are there any checkboxes in each column? If so, make those columns narrow
my @tds = map { "valign='top'" } @$heads;
my $maxwidth = 0;
foreach my $r (@$data) {
	my $cc = 0;
	foreach my $c (@$r) {
		if (ref($c) &&
		    ($c->{'type'} eq 'checkbox' || $c->{'type'} eq 'radio')) {
			$tds[$cc] .= " width='5'" if ($tds[$cc] !~ /width=/);
	$maxwidth = $cc if ($cc > $maxwidth);
$rv .= &ui_columns_start($heads, $width, 0, \@tds, $title);

# Add the data rows
foreach my $r (@$data) {
	my $c0;
	if (ref($r->[0]) && ($r->[0]->{'type'} eq 'checkbox' ||
			     $r->[0]->{'type'} eq 'radio')) {
		# First column is special
		$c0 = $r->[0];
		$r = [ @$r[1..(@$r-1)] ];
	# Turn data into HTML
	my @rtds = @tds;
	my @cols;
	my $cn = 0;
	$cn++ if ($c0);
	foreach my $c (@$r) {
		if (!ref($c)) {
			# Plain old string
			push(@cols, $c);
		elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'checkbox') {
			# Checkbox in non-first column
			push(@cols, &ui_checkbox($c->{'name'}, $c->{'value'},
					         $c->{'label'}, $c->{'checked'},
		elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'radio') {
			# Radio button in non-first column
			push(@cols, &ui_oneradio($c->{'name'}, $c->{'value'},
					         $c->{'label'}, $c->{'checked'},
		elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'group') {
			# Header row that spans whole table
			$rv .= &ui_columns_header([ $c->{'desc'} ],
						  [ "colspan=$width" ]);
		elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'string') {
			# A string, which might be special
			push(@cols, $c->{'value'});
			if ($c->{'columns'} > 1) {
				splice(@rtds, $cn, $c->{'columns'},
			if ($c->{'nowrap'}) {
				$rtds[$cn] .= " nowrap";
			$rtds[$cn] .= " ".$c->{'td'} if ($c->{'td'});
	# Add the row
	if (!$c0) {
		$rv .= &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@rtds);
	elsif ($c0->{'type'} eq 'checkbox') {
		$rv .= &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@rtds, $c0->{'name'},
					       $c0->{'value'}, $c0->{'checked'},
	elsif ($c0->{'type'} eq 'radio') {
		$rv .= &ui_radio_columns_row(\@cols, \@rtds, $c0->{'name'},
					     $c0->{'value'}, $c0->{'checked'},

$rv .= &ui_columns_end();
return $rv;

=head2 ui_form_columns_table(cgi, &buttons, select-all, &otherlinks, &hiddens, &headings, width-percent, &data, &types, no-sort, title, empty-msg, form-no)

Similar to ui_columns_table, but wrapped in a form. Parameters are :

=item cgi - URL to submit the form to.

=item buttons - An array ref of buttons at the end of the form, similar to that taken by ui_form_end.

=item select-all - If set to 1, include select all / invert links.

=item otherslinks - An array ref of other links to put at the top of the table, each of which is a 3-element hash ref of url, text and alignment (left or right).

=item hiddens - An array ref of hidden fields, each of which is a 2-element array ref containing the name and value.

=item formno - Index of this form on the page. Defaults to 0, but should be set if there is more than one form on the page.

All other parameters are the same as ui_columns_table.

sub ui_form_columns_table
return &theme_ui_form_columns_table(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_form_columns_table));
my ($cgi, $buttons, $selectall, $others, $hiddens,
       $heads, $width, $data, $types, $nosort, $title, $emptymsg, $formno) = @_;
my $rv;

# Build links
my @leftlinks = map { "<a href='$_->[0]'>$_->[1]</a>" }
		       grep { $_->[2] ne 'right' } @$others;
my @rightlinks = map { "<a href='$_->[0]'>$_->[1]</a>" }
		       grep { $_->[2] eq 'right' } @$others;
my $links;

# Add select links
if (@$data) {
	if ($selectall) {
		my $cbname;
		foreach my $r (@$data) {
			foreach my $c (@$r) {
				if (ref($c) && $c->{'type'} eq 'checkbox') {
					$cbname = $c->{'name'};
		if ($cbname) {
			unshift(@leftlinks, &select_all_link($cbname, $formno),
				    &select_invert_link($cbname, $formno));

# Turn to HTML
if (@rightlinks) {
	$links = &ui_grid_table([ &ui_links_row(\@leftlinks),
				  &ui_links_row(\@rightlinks) ], 2, 100,
			        [ undef, "align='right'" ]);
elsif (@leftlinks) {
	$links = &ui_links_row(\@leftlinks);

# Start the form, if we need one
if (@$data) {
	$rv .= &ui_form_start($cgi, "post");
	foreach my $h (@$hiddens) {
		$rv .= &ui_hidden(@$h);
	$rv .= $links;

# Add the table
$rv .= &ui_columns_table($heads, $width, $data, $types, $nosort, $title,

# Add form end
$rv .= $links;
if (@$data) {
	$rv .= &ui_form_end($buttons);

return $rv;

####################### form generation functions

=head2 ui_form_elements_wrapper(formdata, formid, [class], [tags])

HTML5 allows to have form elements to be placed outside of an actual
form to provide support for nested forms. The requirement is to have
`id` attribute set on the form and `form` attribute to be set on each
element referencing the given form. This is the wrapper for such form

sub ui_form_elements_wrapper
return &theme_ui_form_elements_wrapper(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_form_elements_wrapper));
my ($formdata, $formid, $class, $tags) = @_;
return "<div class='ui_form_elements_wrapper".
           ($class ? " $class" : "")."'".
           ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">$formdata</div>"

=head2 ui_form_start(script, method, [target], [tags])

Returns HTML for the start of a a form that submits to some script. The
parameters are :

=item script - CGI script to submit to, like save.cgi.

=item method - HTTP method, which must be one of 'get', 'post' or 'form-data'. If form-data is used, the target CGI must call ReadParseMime to parse parameters.

=item target - Optional target window or frame for the form.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the form tag.

sub ui_form_start
$ui_formcount ||= 0;
return &theme_ui_form_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_form_start));
my ($script, $method, $target, $tags) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<form class='ui_form' action='".&html_escape($script)."' ".
	($method eq "post" ? "method='post'" :
	 $method eq "form-data" ?
		"method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'" :
	($target ? " target='$target'" : "").
        ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_form_end([&buttons], [width], [nojs])

Returns HTML for the end of a form, optionally with a row of submit buttons.
These are specified by the buttons parameter, which is an array reference
of array refs, with the following elements :

=item HTML value for the submit input for the button, or undef for none.

=item Text to appear on the button.

=item HTML or other inputs to appear after the button.

=item Set to 1 if the button should be disabled.

=item Additional HTML attributes to appear inside the button's input tag.

=item Don't include generated javascript for ui_opt_textbox

sub ui_form_end
return &theme_ui_form_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_form_end));
my ($buttons, $width, $nojs) = @_;
my $rv;
if ($buttons && @$buttons) {
	$rv .= "<table class='ui_form_end_buttons' ".($width ? " width='$width'" : "")."><tr>\n";
	my $b;
	foreach $b (@$buttons) {
		if (ref($b)) {
			$rv .= "<td".(!$width ? "" :
				      $b eq $buttons->[0] ? " align='left'" :
				      $b eq $buttons->[@$buttons-1] ?
					" align='right'" : " align='center'").">".
			       &ui_submit($b->[1], $b->[0], $b->[3], $b->[4]).
			       ($b->[2] ? " ".$b->[2] : "")."</td>\n";
		elsif ($b) {
			$rv .= "<td>$b</td>\n";
		else {
			$rv .= "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
	$rv .= "</tr></table>\n";
$rv .= "</form>\n";
if ( !$nojs ) {
    # When going back to a form, re-enable any text fields generated by
    # ui_opt_textbox that aren't in the default state.
    $rv .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
    $rv .= "var opts = document.getElementsByClassName('ui_opt_textbox');\n";
    $rv .= "for(var i=0; i<opts.length; i++) {\n";
    $rv .= "  opts[i].disabled = document.getElementsByName(opts[i].name+'_def')[0].checked;\n";
    $rv .= "}\n";
    $rv .= "</script>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_textbox(name, value, size, [disabled?], [maxlength], [tags])

Returns HTML for a text input box. The parameters are :

=item name - Name for this input.

=item value - Initial contents for the text box.

=item size - Desired width in characters.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if this text box should be disabled by default.

=item maxlength - Maximum length of the string the user is allowed to input.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

sub ui_textbox
return &theme_ui_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_textbox));
my ($name, $value, $size, $dis, $max, $tags) = @_;
$size = &ui_max_text_width($size);
return "<input class='ui_textbox' type='text' ".
       "name=\"".&html_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&html_escape($name)."\" ".
       "value=\"".&html_escape($value)."\" ".
       "size=$size".($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($max ? " maxlength='$max'" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">";

=head2 ui_filebox(name, value, size, [disabled?], [maxlength], [tags], [dir-only])

Returns HTML for a text box for choosing a file. Parameters are the same
as ui_textbox, except for the extra dir-only option which limits the chooser
to directories.

sub ui_filebox
return &theme_ui_filebox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_filebox));
my ($name, $value, $size, $dis, $max, $tags, $dironly) = @_;
return &ui_textbox($name, $value, $size, $dis, $max, $tags)."&nbsp;".
       &file_chooser_button($name, $dironly);

=head2 ui_bytesbox(name, bytes, [size], [disabled?])

Returns HTML for entering a number of bytes, but with friendly kB/MB/GB
options. May truncate values to 2 decimal points! The parameters are :

=item name - Name for this input.

=item bytes - Initial number of bytes to show.

=item size - Desired width of the text box part.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if this text box should be disabled by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

=item defaultunits - Units mode selected by default

sub ui_bytesbox
my ($name, $bytes, $size, $dis, $tags, $defaultunits) = @_;
my $units = 1;
my $omorfi_unit;

if ($bytes eq '' && $defaultunits) {
	$units = $defaultunits;
else {
	for(my $i=1; $i<=4; $i++) {
		my $u = 1024**$i;
		if ($bytes >= $u) {
			$units = $u;
			$omorfi_unit = $units
				if ($bytes % $u == 0 && $bytes/$u <= $u);
	$units = $omorfi_unit
		if ($omorfi_unit && $bytes*4 % $units != 0);
if ($bytes ne "") {
	$bytes = sprintf("%.2f", ($bytes*1.0)/$units);
	$bytes =~ s/\.00$//;
	# Remove trailing zeros in decimal part
	$bytes =~ s/(\.\d*?[1-9])0+$/$1/;
$size = &ui_max_text_width($size || 8);
return &ui_textbox($name, $bytes, $size, $dis, undef, $tags)." ".
       &ui_select($name."_units", $units,
		 [ [ 1, $text{"nice_size_b"} ],
		   [ 1024, $text{"nice_size_kiB"} ],
		   [ 1024*1024, $text{"nice_size_MiB"} ],
		   [ 1024*1024*1024, $text{"nice_size_GiB"} ],
		   [ 1024*1024*1024*1024, $text{"nice_size_TiB"} ],
		   [ 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024, $text{"nice_size_PiB"} ] ], undef, undef, undef, $dis);

=head2 ui_upload(name, size, [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for a file upload input, for use in a form with the form-data
method. The parameters are :

=item name - Name for this input.

=item size - Desired width in characters.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if this text box should be disabled by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

=item multiple - Set to 1 to allow uploading of multiple files

sub ui_upload
return &theme_ui_upload(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_upload));
my ($name, $size, $dis, $tags, $multiple) = @_;
$size = &ui_max_text_width($size);
return "<input class='ui_upload' type='file' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($multiple ? " multiple" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">";

=head2 ui_password(name, value, size, [disabled?], [maxlength], [tags])

Returns HTML for a password text input. Parameters are the same as ui_textbox,
and behaviour is identical except that the user's input is not visible.

sub ui_password
return &theme_ui_password(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_password));
my ($name, $value, $size, $dis, $max, $tags) = @_;
$size = &ui_max_text_width($size);
return "<input class='ui_password' type='password' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       ($value ne "" ? "value=\"".&quote_escape($value)."\" " : "").
       "size='$size'".($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($max ? " maxlength='$max'" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">";

=head2 ui_hidden(name, value, [formid])

Returns HTML for a hidden field with the given name and value.

sub ui_hidden
return &theme_ui_hidden(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden));
my ($name, $value, $formid) = @_;
return "<input class='ui_hidden' type='hidden' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       ($formid ? " form=\"$formid\"" : "").">\n";

=head2 ui_select(name, value|&values, &options, [size], [multiple], [add-if-missing], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for a drop-down menu or multiple selection list. The parameters
are :

=item name - Name for this input.

=item value - Either a single initial value, or an array reference of values if this is a multi-select list.

=item options - An array reference of possible options. Each element can either be a scalar, or a two-element array ref containing a submitted value and displayed text.

=item size - Desired vertical size in rows, which defaults to 1. For multi-select lists, this must be set to something larger.

=item multiple - Set to 1 for a multi-select list, 0 for single.

=item add-if-missing - If set to 1, any value that is not in the list of options will be automatically added (and selected).

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable this input.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <select> input.

sub ui_select
return &theme_ui_select(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_select));
my ($name, $value, $opts, $size, $multiple, $missing, $dis, $tags) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<select class='ui_select' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       ($size ? " size='$size'" : "").
       ($multiple ? " multiple" : "").
       ($dis ? " disabled=true" : "").($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">\n";
my ($o, %opt, $s);
my %sel = ref($value) ? ( map { $_, 1 } @$value ) : ( $value, 1 );
foreach $o (@$opts) {
	$o = [ $o ] if (!ref($o));
	$rv .= "<option value=\"".&quote_escape($o->[0])."\"".
	       ($sel{$o->[0]} ? " selected" : "").($o->[2] ne '' ? " ".$o->[2] : "").">".
	       ($o->[1] || $o->[0])."</option>\n";
foreach $s (keys %sel) {
	if (!$opt{$s} && $missing) {
		$rv .= "<option value=\"".&quote_escape($s)."\"".
		       " selected>".($s eq "" ? "&nbsp;" : $s)."</option>\n";
$rv .= "</select>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_multi_select(name, &values, &options, size, [add-if-missing], [disabled?], [options-title, values-title], [width])

Returns HTML for selecting many of many from a list. By default, this is
implemented using two <select> lists and Javascript buttons to move elements
between them. The resulting input value is \n separated.

Parameters are :

=item name - HTML name for this input.

=item values - An array reference of two-element array refs, containing the submitted values and descriptions of items that are selected by default.

=item options - An array reference of two-element array refs, containing the submitted values and descriptions of items that the user can select from.

=item size - Vertical size in rows.

=item add-if-missing - If set to 1, any entries that are in values but not in options will be added automatically.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable this input by default.

=item options-title - Optional text to appear above the list of options.

=item values-title - Optional text to appear above the list of selected values.

=item width - Optional width of the two lists in pixels.

sub ui_multi_select
return &theme_ui_multi_select(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_multi_select));
my ($name, $values, $opts, $size, $missing, $dis,
       $opts_title, $vals_title, $width) = @_;
my $rv;
my %already = map { $_->[0], $_ } @$values;
my $leftover = [ grep { !$already{$_->[0]} } @$opts ];
if ($missing) {
	my %optsalready = map { $_->[0], $_ } @$opts;
	push(@$opts, grep { !$optsalready{$_->[0]} } @$values);
if (!defined($width)) {
	$width = "200";
$width .= "px" if ($width =~ /^\d+$/);
my $wstyle = $width ? "style='min-width:$width'" : "";

if (!$main::ui_multi_select_donejs++) {
	$rv .= &ui_multi_select_javascript();
$rv .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class='ui_multi_select'>";
if (defined($opts_title)) {
	$rv .= "<tr class='ui_multi_select_heads'>".
	       "<td><b>$opts_title</b></td> ".
$rv .= "<tr class='ui_multi_select_row'>";
$rv .= "<td>".&ui_select($name."_opts", [ ], $leftover,
			 $size, 1, 0, $dis, $wstyle)."</td>\n";
$rv .= "<td>".&ui_button("&#x25B6;", $name."_add", $dis,
		 "onClick='multi_select_move(\"$name\", form, 1)'")."<br>".
	      &ui_button("&#x25C0;", $name."_remove", $dis,
		 "onClick='multi_select_move(\"$name\", form, 0)'")."</td>\n";
$rv .= "<td>".&ui_select($name."_vals", [ ], $values,
			 $size, 1, 0, $dis, $wstyle)."</td>\n";
$rv .= "</tr></table>\n";
$rv .= &ui_hidden($name, join("\n", map { $_->[0] } @$values));
return $rv;

=head2 ui_multi_select_javascript

Returns <script> section for left/right select boxes. For internal use only.

sub ui_multi_select_javascript
return &theme_ui_multiselect_javascript()
	if (defined(&theme_ui_multiselect_javascript));
return <<EOF;
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Move an element from the options list to the values list, or vice-versa
function multi_select_move(name, f, dir)
var opts = f.elements[name+"_opts"];
var vals = f.elements[name+"_vals"];
var opts_idx = opts.selectedIndex;
var vals_idx = vals.selectedIndex;
if (dir == 1 && opts_idx >= 0) {
	// Moving from options to selected list
	for(var i=0; i<opts.options.length; i++) {
		var o = opts.options[i];
		if (o.selected) {
			vals.options[vals.options.length] =
				new Option(o.text, o.value);
else if (dir == 0 && vals_idx >= 0) {
	// Moving the other way
	for(var i=0; i<vals.options.length; i++) {
		var o = vals.options[i];
		if (o.selected) {
			opts.options[opts.options.length] =
				new Option(o.text, o.value);
// Fill in hidden field
var hid = f.elements[name];
if (hid) {
	var hv = new Array();
	for(var i=0; i<vals.options.length; i++) {
	hid.value = hv.join("\\n");

=head2 ui_radio(name, value, &options, [disabled?])

Returns HTML for a series of radio buttons, of which one can be selected. The
parameters are :

=item name - HTML name for the radio buttons.

=item value - Value of the button that is selected by default.

=item options - Array ref of radio button options, each of which is an array ref containing the submitted value and description for each button.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable all radio buttons by default.

sub ui_radio
return &theme_ui_radio(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio));
my ($name, $value, $opts, $dis) = @_;
my $rv;
my $o;
foreach $o (@$opts) {
	my $id = &quote_escape($name."_".$o->[0]);
	my $label = $o->[1] || $o->[0];
	my $after;
	if ($label =~ /^([\000-\377]*?)((<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea|<span|<br|<p)[\000-\377]*)$/i) {
		$label = $1;
		$after = $2;
	$rv .= "<input class='ui_radio' type='radio' ".
	       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
	       ($o->[0] eq $value ? " checked" : "").
	       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
	       " id=\"$id\"".
	       ($o->[2] ? " ".$o->[2] : "")."> <label for=\"$id\">".
return $rv;

=head2 ui_yesno_radio(name, value, [yes], [no], [disabled?])

Like ui_radio, but always displays just two inputs (yes and no). The parameters
are :

=item name - HTML name of the inputs.

=item value - Option selected by default, typically 1 or 0.

=item yes - The value for the yes option, defaulting to 1.

=item no - The value for the no option, defaulting to 0.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable all radio buttons by default.

sub ui_yesno_radio
my ($name, $value, $yes, $no, $dis) = @_;
return &theme_ui_yesno_radio(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_yesno_radio));
$yes = 1 if (!defined($yes));
$no = 0 if (!defined($no));
if ( $value =~ /^[0-9,.E]+$/ || !$value) {
        $value = int($value);
return &ui_radio($name, $value, [ [ $yes, $text{'yes'} ],
				  [ $no, $text{'no'} ] ], $dis);

=head2 ui_radio_row(name, value, &arrref, [new-line])

Radio buttons, with a HTML elements places after each one, and
dependent HTML elements disabled if the radio button is not selected.

=item name - HTML name of the inputs.

=item value - Option selected by default, typically 1 or 0.

=item array reference of elements, each containing a submited value and displayed HTML.

Array reference of elements, each containing:

  1. The value for the radio button
  2. An array reference of HTML elements to be displayed after the radio button
    2.1. A label for the radio button
    2.2. A list (array) of HTML elements to be displayed after the radio button

=item newline - Set to 1 to start a new line after each radio button.

sub ui_radio_row
return &theme_ui_radio_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio_row));
my ($name, $value, $arrref, $newline) = @_;
$newline = "<br>" if ($newline == 1);
my $id = &substitute_pattern('[a-f0-9]{20}');
my $rv = "<span class='ui_radio_row_wrap ui_radio_row_wrap_${id}'>";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$arrref; $i++) {
	$rv .= &ui_radio($name, $value, [ [ $arrref->[$i]->[0], $arrref->[$i]->[1]->[0] ] ], $dis);
	shift @{$arrref->[$i]->[1]};
	my $arrref_html = join('', map { "<span class='ui_radio_row_inner_${i}'>$_</span>" }
	$rv .= "<span class='ui_radio_row ui_radio_row_$arrref->[$i]->[0]'>".
	 	"</span>" if ($arrref->[$i]->[1]->[0]);
	$rv .= $newline;
$rv .= "</span>";
my $js = <<EOF;
<script type='text/javascript'>
!function(){const e="ui_radio_row",t='[type="radio"]',n=document.querySelector("."+e+"_wrap_$id"),c=n.querySelectorAll("input"+t),o=n.querySelector("input"+t+":checked"),i=new Event("input");c.forEach((function(c){c.addEventListener("input",(function(){n.querySelectorAll("select, input:not("+t+")").forEach((function(e){e.disabled=!1})),c.checked&&n.querySelectorAll("."+e+":not(."+e+"_"+this.value+") select, ."+e+":not(."+e+"_"+this.value+") input:not("+t+")").forEach((function(e){e.disabled=!0}))}))})),o.dispatchEvent(i)}();
return $rv.$js;

=head2 ui_checkbox(name, value, label, selected?, [tags], [disabled?])

Returns HTML for a single checkbox. Parameters are :

=item name - HTML name of the checkbox.

=item value - Value that will be submitted if it is checked.

=item label - Text to appear next to the checkbox.

=item selected - Set to 1 for it to be checked by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable the checkbox by default.

sub ui_checkbox
return &theme_ui_checkbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_checkbox));
my ($name, $value, $label, $sel, $tags, $dis) = @_;
my $after;
if ($label =~ /^([^<]*)(<[\000-\377]*)$/) {
	$label = $1;
	$after = $2;
return "<input class='ui_checkbox' type='checkbox' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "value=\"".&quote_escape($value)."\" ".
       ($sel ? " checked" : "").($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       " id=\"".&quote_escape("${name}_${value}")."\"".
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "")."> ".
       ($label eq "" ? $after :
	 "<label for=\"".&quote_escape("${name}_${value}").

=head2 ui_oneradio(name, value, label, selected?, [tags], [disabled?])

Returns HTML for a single radio button. The parameters are :

=item name - HTML name of the radio button.

=item value - Value that will be submitted if it is selected.

=item label - Text to appear next to the button.

=item selected - Set to 1 for it to be selected by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable the radio button by default.

sub ui_oneradio
return &theme_ui_oneradio(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_oneradio));
my ($name, $value, $label, $sel, $tags, $dis) = @_;
my $id = &quote_escape("${name}_${value}");
my $after;
if ($label =~ /^([^<]*)(<[\000-\377]*)$/) {
	$label = $1;
	$after = $2;
my $ret = "<input class='ui_radio' type='radio' name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "value=\"".&quote_escape($value)."\" ".
       ($sel ? " checked" : "").($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       " id=\"$id\"".
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">";
    $ret .= " <label for=\"$id\">$label</label>" if ($label ne '');
    $ret .= "$after\n";
    return $ret;

=head2 ui_textarea(name, value, rows, cols, [wrap], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for a multi-line text input. The function parameters are :

=item name - Name for this HTML <textarea>.

=item value - Default value. Multiple lines must be separated by \n.

=item rows - Number of rows, in lines.

=item cols - Number of columns, in characters.

=item wrap - Wrapping mode. Can be one of soft, hard or off.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable this text area by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <textarea> tag.

sub ui_textarea
return &theme_ui_textarea(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_textarea));
my ($name, $value, $rows, $cols, $wrap, $dis, $tags) = @_;
$cols = &ui_max_text_width($cols, 1);
return "<textarea class='ui_textarea' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "rows='$rows' cols='$cols'".($wrap ? " wrap='$wrap'" : "").
       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($tags ? " $tags" : "").">".

=head2 ui_user_textbox(name, value, [form], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for an input for selecting a Unix user. Parameters are the
same as ui_textbox.

sub ui_user_textbox
my ($name, $value, $form, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return &theme_ui_user_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_user_textbox));
return &ui_textbox($name, $value, 13, $dis, undef, $tags)." ".
       &user_chooser_button($name, 0, $form);

=head2 ui_users_textbox(name, value, [form], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for an input for selecting multiple Unix users. Parameters are the
same as ui_textbox.

sub ui_users_textbox
my ($name, $value, $form, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return &theme_ui_users_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_users_textbox));
return &ui_textbox($name, $value, 60, $dis, undef, $tags)." ".
       &user_chooser_button($name, 1, $form);

=head2 ui_group_textbox(name, value, [form], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for an input for selecting a Unix group. Parameters are the
same as ui_textbox.

sub ui_group_textbox
my ($name, $value, $form, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return &theme_ui_group_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_group_textbox));
return &ui_textbox($name, $value, 13, $dis, undef, $tags)." ".
       &group_chooser_button($name, 0, $form);

=head2 ui_groups_textbox(name, value, [form], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for an input for selecting Unix groups. Parameters are the
same as ui_textbox.

sub ui_groups_textbox
my ($name, $value, $form, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return &theme_ui_groups_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_groups_textbox));
return &ui_textbox($name, $value, 60, $dis, undef, $tags)." ".
       &group_chooser_button($name, 1, $form);

=head2 ui_opt_textbox(name, value, size, option1, [option2], [disabled?], [&extra-fields], [max])

Returns HTML for a text field that is optional, implemented by default as
a field with radio buttons next to it. The parameters are :

=item name - HTML name for the text box. The radio buttons will have the same name, but with _def appended.

=item value - Initial value, or undef if you want the default radio button selected initially.

=item size - Width of the text box in characters.

=item option1 - Text for the radio button for selecting that no input is being given, such as 'Default'.

=item option2 - Text for the radio button for selecting that you will provide input.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable this input by default.

=item extra-fields - An optional array ref of field names that should be disabled by Javascript when this field is disabled.

=item max - Optional maximum allowed input length, in characters.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the text box

sub ui_opt_textbox
return &theme_ui_opt_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_opt_textbox));
my ($name, $value, $size, $opt1, $opt2, $dis, $extra, $max, $tags) = @_;
my $dis1 = &js_disable_inputs([ $name, @$extra ], [ ]);
my $dis2 = &js_disable_inputs([ ], [ $name, @$extra ]);
my $rv;
$size = &ui_max_text_width($size);
$rv .= &ui_radio($name."_def", $value eq '' ? 1 : 0,
		 [ [ 1, $opt1, "onClick='$dis1'" ],
		   [ 0, $opt2 || " ", "onClick='$dis2'" ] ], $dis)."\n";
$rv .= "<input class='ui_opt_textbox' type='text' ".
       "name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\" ".
       "size=$size value=\"".&quote_escape($value)."\"".
       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($max ? " maxlength='$max'" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_submit(label, [name], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for a form submit button. Parameters are :

=item label - Text to appear on the button.

=item name - Optional HTML name for the button. Useful if the CGI it submits to needs to know which of several buttons was clicked.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if this button should be disabled by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

sub ui_submit
return &theme_ui_submit(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_submit));
my ($label, $name, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return "<input class='ui_submit' type='submit'".
       ($name ne '' ? " name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\"" : "").
       ($name ne '' ? " id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\"" : "").
       " value=\"".&quote_escape($label)."\"".
       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">\n";

=head2 ui_reset(label, [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for a form reset button, which clears all fields when clicked.
Parameters are :

=item label - Text to appear on the button.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if this button should be disabled by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag.

sub ui_reset
return &theme_ui_reset(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_reset));
my ($label, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return "<input class='ui_reset' type='reset' value=\"".&quote_escape($label)."\"".
       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">\n";

=head2 ui_button(label, [name], [disabled?], [tags])

Returns HTML for a form button, which doesn't do anything when clicked unless
you add some Javascript to it. The parameters are :

=item label - Text to appear on the button.

=item name - HTML name for this input.

=item disabled - Set to 1 if this button should be disabled by default.

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <input> tag, typically Javascript inside an onClick attribute.

sub ui_button
return &theme_ui_button(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_button));
my ($label, $name, $dis, $tags) = @_;
return "<input class='ui_button' type='button'".
       ($name ne '' ? " name=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\"" : "").
       ($name ne '' ? " id=\"".&quote_escape($name)."\"" : "").
       " value=\"".&quote_escape($label)."\"".
       ($dis ? " disabled='true'" : "").
       ($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">\n";

=head2 ui_date_input(day, month, year, day-name, month-name, year-name, [disabled?])

Returns HTML for a date-selection field, with day, month and year inputs.
The parameters are :

=item day - Initial day of the month.

=item month - Initial month of the year, indexed from 1.

=item year - Initial year, four-digit.

=item day-name - Name of the day input field.

=item month-name - Name of the month select field.

=item year-name - Name of the year input field.

=item disabled - Set to 1 to disable all fields by default.

sub ui_date_input
return &theme_ui_date_input(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_date_input));
my ($day, $month, $year, $dayname, $monthname, $yearname, $dis) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<span class='ui_data'>";
$rv .= &ui_textbox($dayname, $day, 3, $dis);
$rv .= "/";
$rv .= &ui_select($monthname, $month,
		  [ map { [ $_, $text{"smonth_$_"} ] } (1 .. 12) ],
		  1, 0, 0, $dis);
$rv .= "/";
$rv .= &ui_textbox($yearname, $year, 5, $dis);
$rv .= "</span>";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_buttons_start

Returns HTML for the start of a block of action buttons with descriptions, as
generated by ui_buttons_row. Some example code :

  print ui_buttons_start();
  print ui_buttons_row('start.cgi', 'Start server',
                       'Click this button to start the server process');
  print ui_buttons_row('stop.cgi', 'Stop server',
                       'Click this button to stop the server process');
  print ui_buttons_end();

sub ui_buttons_start
return &theme_ui_buttons_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_start));
return "<table width='100%' class='ui_buttons_table'>\n";

=head2 ui_buttons_end

Returns HTML for the end of a block started by ui_buttons_start.

sub ui_buttons_end
return &theme_ui_buttons_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_end));
return "</table>\n";

=head2 ui_buttons_row(script, button-label, description, [hiddens], [after-submit], [before-submit])

Returns HTML for a button with a description next to it, and perhaps other
inputs. The parameters are :

=item script - CGI script that this button submits to, like start.cgi.

=item button-label - Text to appear on the button.

=item description - Text to appear next to the button, describing in more detail what it does.

=item hiddens - HTML for hidden fields to include in the form this function generates.

=item after-submit - HTML for text or inputs to appear after the submit button.

=item before-submit - HTML for text or inputs to appear before the submit button.

sub ui_buttons_row
return &theme_ui_buttons_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_row));
my ($script, $label, $desc, $hiddens, $after, $before) = @_;
if (ref($hiddens)) {
	$hiddens = join("\n", map { &ui_hidden(@$_) } @$hiddens);
return "<form action='$script' class='ui_buttons_form' method='post'>\n".
       "<tr class='ui_buttons_row'> ".
       "<td nowrap width='20%' valign='top' class='ui_buttons_label'>".
       ($before ? $before." " : "").
       &ui_submit($label).($after ? " ".$after : "")."</td>\n".
       "<td width='80%' valign='top' class='ui_buttons_value'>".

=head2 ui_buttons_hr([title])

Returns HTML for a separator row, for use inside a ui_buttons_start block.

sub ui_buttons_hr
my ($title) = @_;
return &theme_ui_buttons_hr(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_hr));
if ($title) {
	return "<tr class='ui_buttons_hr'><td colspan='2'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tr><td width='50%'><hr></td><td nowrap>$title</td><td width='50%'><hr></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
else {
	return "<tr class='ui_buttons_hr'><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>\n";

####################### header and footer functions

=head2 ui_post_header([subtext])

Returns HTML to appear directly after a standard header() call. This is never
called directly - instead, ui_print_header calls it. But it can be overridden
by themes.

sub ui_post_header
return &theme_ui_post_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_post_header));
my ($text) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<center class='ui_post_header'><font size='+1'>$text</font></center>\n" if (defined($text));
if (!$tconfig{'nohr'} && !$tconfig{'notophr'}) {
	$rv .= "<hr id='post_header_hr'>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_pre_footer

Returns HTML to appear directly before a standard footer() call. This is never
called directly - instead, ui_print_footer calls it. But it can be overridden
by themes.

sub ui_pre_footer
return &theme_ui_pre_footer(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_pre_footer));
my $rv;
if (!$tconfig{'nohr'} && !$tconfig{'nobottomhr'}) {
	$rv .= "<hr id='pre_footer_hr'>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_print_header(subtext, image, [help], [config], [nomodule], [nowebmin], [rightside], [head-stuff], [body-stuff], [below])

Print HTML for a header with the post-header line. The args are the same
as those passed to header(), defined in web-lib-funcs.pl, with the addition
of the subtext parameter :

=item subtext - Text to display below the title

=item title - The text to show at the top of the page

=item image - An image to show instead of the title text. This is typically left blank.

=item help - If set, this is the name of a help page that will be linked to in the title.

=item config - If set to 1, the title will contain a link to the module's config page.

=item nomodule - If set to 1, there will be no link in the title section to the module's index.

=item nowebmin - If set to 1, there will be no link in the title section to the Webmin index.

=item rightside - HTML to be shown on the right-hand side of the title. Can contain multiple lines, separated by <br>. Typically this is used for links to stop, start or restart servers.

=item head-stuff - HTML to be included in the <head> section of the page.

=item body-stuff - HTML attributes to be include in the <body> tag.

=item below - HTML to be displayed below the title. Typically this is used for application or server version information.

sub ui_print_header
return &theme_ui_print_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_header));
my ($text, @args) = @_;
print &ui_post_header($text);

=head2 ui_print_unbuffered_header(subtext, args...)

Like ui_print_header, but ensures that output for this page is not buffered
or contained in a table. This should be called by scripts that are producing
output while performing some long-running process.

sub ui_print_unbuffered_header
my @args = @_;
return &theme_ui_print_unbuffered_header(@args)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_print_unbuffered_header));
$| = 1;
$theme_no_table = 1;
$args[9] .= " " if ($args[9]);
$args[9] .= " data-pagescroll=true";

=head2 ui_print_footer(args...)

Print HTML for a footer with the pre-footer line. Args are the same as those
passed to footer().

sub ui_print_footer
return &theme_ui_print_footer(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_footer));
my @args = @_;
print &ui_pre_footer();

=head2 ui_config_link(text, &subs)

Returns HTML for a module config link. The first non-null sub will be
replaced with the appropriate URL for the module's config page.

sub ui_config_link
return &theme_ui_config_link(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_config_link));
my ($text, $subs) = @_;
my $m = &get_module_name();
my @subs = map { $_ || "../config.cgi?$m" }
		  ($subs ? @$subs : ( undef ));
return "<p>".&text($text, @subs)."<p>\n";

=head2 ui_print_endpage(text)

Prints HTML for an error message followed by a page footer with a link to
/, then exits. Good for main page error messages.

sub ui_print_endpage
return &theme_ui_print_endpage(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_endpage));
my ($text) = @_;
print $text,"<p class='ui_footer'>\n";
print "</p>\n";
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});

=head2 ui_subheading(text, ...)

Returns HTML for a section heading whose message is the given text strings.

sub ui_subheading
return &theme_ui_subheading(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_subheading));
return "<h3 class='ui_subheading'>".join("", @_)."</h3>\n";

=head2 ui_links_row(&links)

Returns HTML for a row of links, like select all / invert selection / add..
Each element of the links array ref should be an HTML fragment like :

  <a href='user_form.cgi'>Create new user</a>

sub ui_links_row
return &theme_ui_links_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_links_row));
my ($links) = @_;
return @$links ? join("\n|\n", @$links)."<br>\n"
	       : "";

########################### collapsible section / tab functions

=head2 ui_hidden_javascript

Returns <script> and <style> sections for hiding functions and CSS. For
internal use only.

sub ui_hidden_javascript
return &theme_ui_hidden_javascript(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_javascript));
my $rv;
my $imgdir = "@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images";
my ($jscb, $jstb) = ($cb, $tb);
$jscb =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$jstb =~ s/'/\\'/g;

return <<EOF;
<style type='text/css'>
.opener_shown {display:inline}
.opener_hidden {display:none}
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Open or close a hidden section
function hidden_opener(divid, openerid)
var divobj = document.getElementById(divid);
var openerobj = document.getElementById(openerid);
if (divobj.className == 'opener_shown') {
  divobj.className = 'opener_hidden';
  openerobj.innerHTML = '<img border=0 src=$imgdir/closed.gif>';
else {
  divobj.className = 'opener_shown';
  openerobj.innerHTML = '<img border=0 src=$imgdir/open.gif>';

// Show a tab
function select_tab(name, tabname, form)
var tabnames = document[name+'_tabnames'];
var tabtitles = document[name+'_tabtitles'];
for(var i=0; i<tabnames.length; i++) {
  var tabobj = document.getElementById('tab_'+tabnames[i]);
  var divobj = document.getElementById('div_'+tabnames[i]);
  var title = tabtitles[i];
  if (tabnames[i] == tabname) {
    // Selected table
    tabobj.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'+
		       '<td valign=top $jscb>'+
		       '<img src=$imgdir/lc2.gif alt=""></td>'+
		       '<td $jscb nowrap>'+
	               '<td valign=top $jscb>'+
		       '<img src=$imgdir/rc2.gif alt=""></td>'+
    divobj.className = 'opener_shown';
  else {
    // Non-selected tab
    tabobj.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'+
		       '<td valign="top" $jstb>'+
		       '<img src="$imgdir/lc1.gif" alt=""></td>'+
		       '<td $jstb nowrap>'+
                       '&nbsp;<a href=\\'\\' onClick=\\'return select_tab("'+
		       name+'", "'+tabnames[i]+'")\\'>'+title+'</a>&nbsp;</td>'+
		       '<td valign="top" $jstb>'+
    		       '<img src="$imgdir/rc1.gif" alt=""></td>'+
    divobj.className = 'opener_hidden';
if (document.forms[0] && document.forms[0][name]) {
  document.forms[0][name].value = tabname;
return false;

=head2 ui_hidden_start(title, name, status, thisurl)

Returns HTML for the start of a collapsible hidden section, such as for
advanced options. When clicked on, the section header will expand to display
whatever is between this function and ui_hidden_end. The parameters are :

=item title - Text for the start of this hidden section.

=item name - A unique name for this section.

=item status - 1 if it should be initially open, 0 if not.

=item thisurl - URL of the current page. This is used by themes on devices that don't support Javascript to implement the opening and closing.

sub ui_hidden_start
return &theme_ui_hidden_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_start));
my ($title, $name, $status, $url) = @_;
my $rv;
if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) {
	$rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript();
my $divid = "hiddendiv_$name";
my $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name";
my $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif";
my $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden';
$rv .= "<a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\" id='$openerid'><img border=0 src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/$defimg' alt='*'></a>\n";
$rv .= "<a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\">$title</a><br>\n";
$rv .= "<div class='$defclass' id='$divid'>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_hidden_end(name)

Returns HTML for the end of a hidden section, started by ui_hidden_start.

sub ui_hidden_end
return &theme_ui_hidden_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_end));
my ($name) = @_;
return "</div>\n";

=head2 ui_hidden_table_row_start(title, name, status, thisurl)

Similar to ui_hidden_start, but for use within a table started with
ui_table_start. I recommend against using this where possible, as it can
be difficult for some themes to implement.

sub ui_hidden_table_row_start
return &theme_ui_hidden_table_row_start(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_row_start));
my ($title, $name, $status, $url) = @_;
my ($rv, $rrv);
if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) {
	$rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript();
my $divid = "hiddendiv_$name";
my $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name";
my $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif";
my $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden';
if ($title) {
	$rrv .= "<a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\" id='$openerid'><img border=0 src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/$defimg'></a>\n";
	$rrv .= "<a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\">$title</a><br>\n";
	$rv .= &ui_table_row(undef, $rrv, $main::ui_table_cols);
$rv .= "</table>\n";
$rv .= "<div class='$defclass' id='$divid'>\n";
$rv .= "<table width='100%'>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_hidden_table_row_end(name)

Returns HTML to end a block started by ui_hidden_table_start.

sub ui_hidden_table_row_end
return &theme_ui_hidden_table_row_end(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_row_end));
my ($name) = @_;
return "</table></div><table width='100%'>\n";

=head2 ui_hidden_table_start(heading, [tabletags], [cols], name, status, [&default-tds], [rightheading])

Returns HTML for the start of a form block into which labelled inputs can
be placed, which is collapsible by clicking on the header. Basically the same
as ui_table_start, and must contain HTML generated by ui_table_row.

The parameters are :

=item heading - Text to show at the top of the form.

=item tabletags - HTML attributes to put in the outer <table>, typically something like width=100%.

=item cols - Desired number of columns for labels and fields. Defaults to 4, but can be 2 for forms with lots of wide inputs.

=item name - A unique name for this table.

=item status - Set to 1 if initially open, 0 if initially closed.

=item default-tds - An optional array reference of HTML attributes for the <td> tags in each row of the table.

=item right-heading - HTML to appear in the heading, aligned to the right.

sub ui_hidden_table_start
return &theme_ui_hidden_table_start(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_start));
my ($heading, $tabletags, $cols, $name, $status, $tds, $rightheading) = @_;
my $rv;
if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) {
	$rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript();
my $divid = "hiddendiv_$name";
my $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name";
my $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif";
my $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden';
my $text = defined($tconfig{'cs_text'}) ? $tconfig{'cs_text'} :
	      defined($gconfig{'cs_text'}) ? $gconfig{'cs_text'} : "000000";
$rv .= "<table class='ui_table' border $tabletags>\n";
my $colspan = 1;
if (defined($heading) || defined($rightheading)) {
	$rv .= "<tr".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")."><td>";
	if (defined($heading)) {
		$rv .= "<a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\" id='$openerid'><img border=0 src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/$defimg'></a> <a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\"><b><font color='#$text'>$heading</font></b></a></td>";
	if (defined($rightheading)) {
                $rv .= "<td align='right'>$rightheading</td>";
	$rv .= "</td> </tr>\n";
$rv .= "<tr".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")."><td colspan='$colspan'><div class='$defclass' id='$divid'><table width='100%'>\n";
$main::ui_table_cols = $cols || 4;
$main::ui_table_pos = 0;
$main::ui_table_default_tds = $tds;
return $rv;

=head2 ui_hidden_table_end(name)

Returns HTML for the end of a form block with hiding, as started by

sub ui_hidden_table_end
my ($name) = @_;
return &theme_ui_hidden_table_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_end));
return "</table></div></td></tr></table>\n";

=head2 ui_tabs_start(&tabs, name, selected, show-border)

Returns a row of tabs from which one can be selected, displaying HTML
associated with that tab. The parameters are :

=item tabs - An array reference of array refs, each of which contains the value and user-visible text for a tab.

=item name - Name of the HTML field into which the selected tab will be placed.

=item selected - Value for the tab selected by default.

=item show-border - Set to 1 if there should be a border around the contents of the tabs.

Example code :

  @tabs = ( [ 'list', 'List services' ],
            [ 'install', 'Install new service' ] );
  print ui_tabs_start(\@tabs, 'mode', 'list');

  print ui_tabs_start_tab('mode', 'list');
  print ui_tabs_end_tab('mode', 'list');

  print ui_tabs_start_tab('mode', 'install');
  print ui_tabs_end_tab('mode', 'install);

  print ui_tabs_end();

sub ui_tabs_start
return &theme_ui_tabs_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_start));
my ($tabs, $name, $sel, $border) = @_;
my $rv;
if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) {
	$rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript();

# Build list of tab titles and names
my $tabnames = "[".join(",", map { "\"".&quote_escape($_->[0])."\"" } @$tabs)."]";
my $tabtitles = "[".join(",", map { "\"".&quote_escape($_->[1])."\"" } @$tabs)."]";
$rv .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$rv .= "document.${name}_tabnames = $tabnames;\n";
$rv .= "document.${name}_tabtitles = $tabtitles;\n";
$rv .= "</script>\n";

# Output the tabs
my $imgdir = "@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images";
$rv .= &ui_hidden($name, $sel)."\n";
$rv .= "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='ui_tabs'>\n";
$rv .= "<tr><td bgcolor='#ffffff' colspan='".(scalar(@$tabs)*2+1)."'>";
if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} !~ /msie/i) {
	# For some reason, the 1-pixel space above the tabs appears huge on IE!
	$rv .= "<img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'>";
$rv .= "</td></tr>\n";
$rv .= "<tr>\n";
$rv .= "<td bgcolor='#ffffff' width='1'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td>\n";
foreach my $t (@$tabs) {
	if ($t ne $$tabs[0]) {
		# Spacer
		$rv .= "<td width='2' bgcolor='#ffffff' class='ui_tab_spacer'>".
		       "<img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td>\n";
	my $tabid = "tab_".$t->[0];
	$rv .= "<td id='${tabid}' class='ui_tab'>";
	$rv .= "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'><tr>";
	if ($t->[0] eq $sel) {
		# Selected tab
		$rv .= "<td valign='top'".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." class='selectedTabLeft'>".
		       "<img src='$imgdir/lc2.gif' alt=\"\"></td>";
		$rv .= "<td".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." nowrap class='selectedTabMiddle'>".
		$rv .= "<td valign=top".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." class='selectedTabRight'>".
		       "<img src=$imgdir/rc2.gif alt=\"\"></td>";
	else {
		# Other tab (which has a link)
		$rv .= "<td valign='top'".($tb ? " ".$tb : "").">".
		       "<img src='$imgdir/lc1.gif' alt=\"\"></td>";
		$rv .= "<td".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")." nowrap>".
		       "&nbsp;<a href='$t->[2]' ".
		       "onClick='return select_tab(\"$name\", \"$t->[0]\")'>".
		$rv .= "<td valign='top'".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")." >".
		       "<img src='$imgdir/rc1.gif' ".
		$rv .= "</td>\n";
	$rv .= "</tr></table>";
	$rv .= "</td>\n";
$rv .= "<td bgcolor='#ffffff' width='1'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td>\n";
$rv .= "</table>\n";

if ($border) {
	# All tabs are within a grey box
	$rv .= "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' ".
	$rv .= "<tr> <td bgcolor='#ffffff' rowspan='3' width='1'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td>\n";
	$rv .= "<td".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." colspan='3' height='2'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td> </tr>\n";
	$rv .= "<tr> <td".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." width='2'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td>\n";
	$rv .= "<td valign='top'>";
$main::ui_tabs_selected = $sel;
return $rv;

=head2 ui_tabs_end(show-border)

Returns HTML to end a block started by ui_tabs_start. The show-border parameter
must match the parameter with the same name in the start function.

sub ui_tabs_end
return &theme_ui_tabs_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_end));
my ($border) = @_;
my $rv;
my $imgdir = "@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images";
if ($border) {
	$rv .= "</td>\n";
	$rv .= "<td".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." width='2'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td>\n";
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
	$rv .= "<tr> <td".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")." colspan='3' height='2'><img src='$imgdir/1x1.gif'></td> </tr>\n";
	$rv .= "</table>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_tabs_start_tab(name, tab)

Must be called before outputting the HTML for the named tab, and returns HTML
for the required <div> block.

sub ui_tabs_start_tab
return &theme_ui_tabs_start_tab(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_start_tab));
my ($name, $tab) = @_;
my $defclass = $tab eq $main::ui_tabs_selected ?
			'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden';
my $rv = "<div id='div_$tab' class='$defclass ui_tabs_start'>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_tabs_start_tabletab(name, tab)

Behaves like ui_tabs_start_tab, but for use within a ui_table_start block.
I recommend against using this where possible, as it is difficult for themes
to implement.

sub ui_tabs_start_tabletab
return &theme_ui_tabs_start_tabletab(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_start_tabletab));
my $div = &ui_tabs_start_tab(@_);
return "</table>\n".$div."<table width='100%'>\n";

=head2 ui_tabs_end_tab

Returns HTML for the end of a block started by ui_tabs_start_tab.

sub ui_tabs_end_tab
return &theme_ui_tabs_end_tab(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_end_tab));
return "</div>\n";

=head2 ui_tabs_end_tabletab

Returns HTML for the end of a block started by ui_tabs_start_tabletab.

sub ui_tabs_end_tabletab
return &theme_ui_tabs_end_tabletab(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_end_tabletab));
return "</table></div><table width='100%'>\n";

=head2 ui_max_text_width(width, [text-area?])

Returns a new width for a text field, based on theme settings. For internal
use only.

sub ui_max_text_width
my ($w, $ta) = @_;
my $max = $ta ? $tconfig{'maxareawidth'} : $tconfig{'maxboxwidth'};
return $max && $w > $max ? $max : $w;

####################### radio hidden functions

=head2 ui_radio_selector(&opts, name, selected, [dropdown-mode])

Returns HTML for a set of radio buttons, each of which shows a different
block of HTML when selected. The parameters are :

=item opts - An array ref to arrays containing [ value, label, html ]

=item name - HTML name for the radio buttons

=item selected - Value for the initially selected button.

=item dropdown - Use a <select> dropdown menu instead of radio buttons

sub ui_radio_selector
return &theme_ui_radio_selector(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio_selector));
my ($opts, $name, $sel, $dropdown) = @_;
my $rv;
if (!$main::ui_radio_selector_donejs++) {
	$rv .= &ui_radio_selector_javascript();
my $optnames =
	"[".join(",", map { "\"".&html_escape($_->[0])."\"" } @$opts)."]";
if ($dropdown) {
	$rv .= &ui_select($name, $sel,
		[ map { [ $_->[0], $_->[1] ] } @$opts ],
		1, 0, 0, 0,
		"onChange='selector_show(\"$name\", $name.value, $optnames)'");
else {
	foreach my $o (@$opts) {
		$rv .= &ui_oneradio($name, $o->[0], $o->[1], $sel eq $o->[0],
		    "onClick='selector_show(\"$name\", \"$o->[0]\", $optnames)'");
$rv .= "<br>\n";
foreach my $o (@$opts) {
	my $cls = $o->[0] eq $sel ? "selector_shown" : "selector_hidden";
	$rv .= "<div id='sel_${name}_$o->[0]' class='$cls'>".$o->[2]."</div>\n";
return $rv;

sub ui_radio_selector_javascript
return <<EOF;
<style type='text/css'>
.selector_shown {display:inline}
.selector_hidden {display:none}
<script type='text/javascript'>
function selector_show(name, value, values)
for(var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
	var divobj = document.getElementById('sel_'+name+'_'+values[i]);
	divobj.className = value == values[i] ? 'selector_shown'
					      : 'selector_hidden';

=head2 ui_switch_theme_javascript()

The subroutine is designed to load JavaScript
for switching themes using hotkeys.

Hotkeys are:
	To activate theme switch mode:
	Use: `Ctrl+Alt+T` (or `Control+Option+T` on Mac).

	Immediately after, within 1 second, select your desired theme by pressing:
	- `Shift + A`: Authentic theme
	- `Shift + G`: Gray theme
	- `Shift + L`: Legacy theme.


sub ui_switch_theme_javascript
return &theme_ui_switch_theme_javascript(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_switch_theme_javascript));
return "" if (!$gconfig{'debug_enabled'} && !$gconfig{'debug_theme_switcher'});
my $switch_script = "<script>const __webmin_webprefix__ = '@{[&get_webprefix()]}';</script>\n";
my $webmin_version = &get_webmin_version();
$webmin_version =~ s/\.//g;
$switch_script .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"@{[&get_webprefix()]}/unauthenticated/switch_theme.js?$webmin_version\"></script>\n";
return $switch_script;

####################### grid layout functions

=head2 ui_grid_table(&elements, columns, [width-percent], [&tds], [tabletags], [title])

Given a list of HTML elements, formats them into a table with the given
number of columns. However, themes are free to override this to use fewer
columns where space is limited. Parameters are :

=item elements - An array reference of table elements, each of which can be any HTML you like.

=item columns - Desired number of columns in the grid.

=item width-percent - Optional desired width as a percentage.

=item tds - Array ref of HTML attributes for <td> tags in the tables.

=item tabletags - HTML attributes for the <table> tag.

=item title - Optional title to add to the top of the grid.

sub ui_grid_table
return &theme_ui_grid_table(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_grid_table));
my ($elements, $cols, $width, $tds, $tabletags, $title) = @_;
return "" if (!@$elements);
my $rv = "<table class='ui_grid_table'".
	    ($width ? " width='$width%'" : "").
	    ($tabletags ? " ".$tabletags : "").
my $i;
for($i=0; $i<@$elements; $i++) {
	$rv .= "<tr class='ui_grid_row'>" if ($i%$cols == 0);
	$rv .= "<td ".$tds->[$i%$cols]." valign='top' class='ui_grid_cell'>".
	$rv .= "</tr>" if ($i%$cols == $cols-1);
if ($i%$cols) {
	while($i%$cols) {
		$rv .= "<td ".$tds->[$i%$cols]." class='ui_grid_cell'>".
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
$rv .= "</table>\n";
if (defined($title)) {
	$rv = "<table class='ui_table border' ".
	      ($width ? " width=$width%" : "").">\n".
	      ($title ? "<tr".($tb ? " ".$tb : "")."><td><b>$title</b></td></tr>\n" : "").
              "<tr".($cb ? " ".$cb : "")."><td>$rv</td></tr>\n".
return $rv;

=head2 ui_radio_table(name, selected, &rows, [no-bold])

Returns HTML for a table of radio buttons, each of which has a label and
some associated inputs to the right. The parameters are :

=item name - Unique name for this table, which is also the radio buttons' name.

=item selected - Value for the initially selected radio button.

=item rows - Array ref of array refs, one per button. The elements of each are the value for this option, a label, and option additional HTML to appear next to it.

=item no-bold - When set to 1, labels in the table will not be bolded

sub ui_radio_table
return &theme_ui_radio_table(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio_table));
my ($name, $sel, $rows, $nobold) = @_;
return "" if (!@$rows);
my $rv = "<table class='ui_radio_table'>\n";
foreach my $r (@$rows) {
	$rv .= "<tr>\n";
	$rv .= "<td valign='top'".(defined($r->[2]) ? "" : " colspan='2'").">".
	       ($nobold ? "" : "<b>").
	       &ui_oneradio($name, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[0] eq $sel, $r->[3]).
	       ($nobold ? "" : "</b>").
	if (defined($r->[2])) {
		$rv .= "<td valign='top'>".$r->[2]."</td>\n";
	$rv .= "</tr>\n";
$rv .= "</table>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_up_down_arrows(uplink, downlink, up-show, down-show)

Returns HTML for moving some objects in a table up or down. The parameters are :

=item uplink - URL for the up-arrow link.

=item downlink - URL for the down-arrow link.

=item up-show - Set to 1 if the up-arrow should be shown, 0 if not.

=item down-show - Set to 1 if the down-arrow should be shown, 0 if not.

=item up-icon - Optional path to icon for up link

=item down-icon - Optional path to icon for down link

sub ui_up_down_arrows
return &theme_ui_up_down_arrows(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_up_down_arrows));
my ($uplink, $downlink, $upshow, $downshow, $upicon, $downicon) = @_;
my $mover;
my $imgdir = "@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images";
$upicon ||= "$imgdir/moveup.gif";
$downicon ||= "$imgdir/movedown.gif";
if ($downshow) {
	$mover .= "<a class='ui_up_down_arrows_down' href='$downlink'>".
	  "<img class='ui_up_down_arrows_down' src='$downicon' border='0'></a>";
else {
	$mover .= "<img class='ui_up_down_arrows_gap' src='$imgdir/movegap.gif'>";
if ($upshow) {
	$mover .= "<a class='ui_up_down_arrows_up' href='$uplink'>".
	  "<img class='ui_up_down_arrows_up' src='$upicon' border='0'></a>";
else {
	$mover .= "<img class='ui_up_down_arrows_gap' src='$imgdir/movegap.gif'>";
return $mover;

=head2 ui_hr

Returns a horizontal row tag, typically just an <hr>

=item tags - Additional HTML attributes for the <hr> tag.

sub ui_hr
return &theme_ui_hr(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hr));
my ($tags) = @_;
return "<hr class='ui_hr'".($tags ? " ".$tags : "").">\n";

=head2 ui_nav_link(direction, url, disabled)

Returns an arrow icon linking to the provided url.

sub ui_nav_link
return &theme_ui_nav_link(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_nav_link));
my ($direction, $url, $disabled) = @_;
my $alt = $direction eq "left" ? '<-' : '->';
if ($disabled) {
	return "<img class='ui_nav_link' alt=\"$alt\" align=\"middle\""
	     . "src=\"@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/$direction-grey.gif\">\n";
else {
	return "<a class='ui_nav_link' href=\"$url\"><img class='ui_nav_link' alt=\"$alt\" align=\"middle\""
	     . "src=\"@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/$direction.gif\"></a>\n";

=head2 ui_confirmation_form(cgi, message, &hiddens, [&buttons], [otherinputs], [extra-warning])

Returns HTML for a form asking for confirmation before performing some
action, such as deleting a user. The parameters are :

=item cgi - Script to which the confirmation form submits, like delete.cgi.

=item message - Warning message for the user to see.

=item hiddens - Array ref of two-element array refs, containing hidden form field names and values.

=item buttons - Array ref of two-element array refs, containing form button names and labels.

=item otheirinputs - HTML for extra inputs to include in their form.

=item extra-warning - An additional separate warning message to show.

sub ui_confirmation_form
my ($cgi, $message, $hiddens, $buttons, $others, $warning) = @_;
my $rv;
$rv .= "<center class='ui_confirmation'>\n";
$rv .= &ui_form_start($cgi, "post");
foreach my $h (@$hiddens) {
	$rv .= &ui_hidden(@$h);
$rv .= "<b>$message</b><p>\n";
if ($warning) {
	$rv .= "<b><font color='#ff0000'>$warning</font></b><p>\n";
if ($others) {
	$rv .= $others."<p>\n";
$rv .= &ui_form_end($buttons);
$rv .= "</center>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_text_color(text, type)

Returns HTML for a text string, with its color determined by $type.

=item text - contains any text string

=item type - returned text color


sub ui_text_color
my ($text, $type) = @_;
my ($color);

if (defined (&theme_ui_text_color)) {
    return &theme_ui_text_color(@_);
if ($type eq "success") { $color = "#3c763d"; }
elsif ($type eq "info") { $color = "#31708f"; }
elsif ($type eq "warn") { $color = "#8a6d3b"; }
elsif ($type eq "danger") { $color = "#a94442"; }
return "<span class=\"ui_text_color text_type_$type\" style=\"color: $color\">$text</span>";

=head2 ui_alert_box(msg, type)

Returns HTML for an alert box, with background color determined by $type.

$msg contains any text or HTML to be contained within the alert box, and
can include forms.

Type of alert:

=item success - green

=item info - blue

=item warn - yellow

=item danger - red


sub ui_alert_box
my ($msg, $type) = @_;
my ($rv, $color);

if (defined (&theme_ui_alert_box)) {
    return &theme_ui_alert_box(@_);

if ($type eq "success") { $color = "DFF0D8"; }
elsif ($type eq "info") { $color = "D9EDF7"; }
elsif ($type eq "warn") { $color = "FCF8E3"; }
elsif ($type eq "danger") { $color = "F2DEDE"; }

$rv .= "<table class='ui_alert_box' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#$color'><td align='center'><p>\n";
$rv .= "$msg\n";
$rv .= "<p></td></tr></table><p>\n";

return $rv;

####################### javascript functions

=head2 js_disable_inputs(&disable-inputs, &enable-inputs, [tag])

Returns Javascript to disable some form elements and enable others. Mainly
for internal use.

sub js_disable_inputs
my $rv;
my $f;
foreach $f (@{$_[0]}) {
	$rv .= "e = form.elements[\"$f\"]; e.disabled = true; ";
	$rv .= "for(i=0; i<e.length; i++) { e[i].disabled = true; } ";
foreach $f (@{$_[1]}) {
	$rv .= "e = form.elements[\"$f\"]; e.disabled = false; ";
	$rv .= "for(i=0; i<e.length; i++) { e[i].disabled = false; } ";
foreach $f (@{$_[1]}) {
	if ($f =~ /^(.*)_def$/ && &indexof($1, @{$_[1]}) >= 0) {
		# When enabling both a _def field and its associated text field,
		# disable the text if the _def is set to 1
		my $tf = $1;
		$rv .= "e = form.elements[\"$f\"]; for(i=0; i<e.length; i++) { if (e[i].checked && e[i].value == \"1\") { form.elements[\"$tf\"].disabled = true } } ";
return $_[2] ? "$_[2]='$rv'" : $rv;

=head2 ui_page_flipper(message, [inputs, cgi], left-link, right-link, [far-left-link], [far-right-link], [below])

Returns HTML for moving left and right in some large list, such as an inbox
or database table. If only 5 parameters are given, no far links are included.
If any link is undef, that array will be greyed out. The parameters are :

=item message - Text or display between arrows.

=item inputs - Additional HTML inputs to show after message.

=item cgi - Optional CGI for form wrapping arrows to submit to.

=item left-link - Link for left-facing arrow.

=item right-link - Link for right-facing arrow.

=item far-left-link - Link for far left-facing arrow, optional.

=item far-right-link - Link for far right-facing arrow, optional.

=item below - HTML to display below the arrows.

sub ui_page_flipper
return &theme_ui_page_flipper(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_page_flipper));
my ($msg, $inputs, $cgi, $left, $right, $farleft, $farright, $below) = @_;
my $rv = "<center class='ui_page_flipper'>";
$rv .= &ui_form_start($cgi) if ($cgi);

# Far left link, if needed
if (@_ > 5) {
	if ($farleft) {
		$rv .= "<a href='$farleft'>".
		       "<img src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/first.gif' ".
		       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";
	else {
		$rv .= "<img src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/first-grey.gif' ".
		       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";

# Left link
if ($left) {
	$rv .= "<a href='$left'>".
	       "<img src=@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/left.gif ".
	       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";
else {
	$rv .= "<img src=@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/left-grey.gif ".
	       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";

# Message and inputs
$rv .= $msg;
$rv .= " ".$inputs if ($inputs);

# Right link
if ($right) {
	$rv .= "<a href='$right'>".
	       "<img src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/right.gif' ".
	       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";
else {
	$rv .= "<img src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/right-grey.gif' ".
	       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";

# Far right link, if needed
if (@_ > 5) {
	if ($farright) {
		$rv .= "<a href='$farright'>".
		       "<img src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/last.gif' ".
		       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";
	else {
		$rv .= "<img src='@{[&get_webprefix()]}/images/last-grey.gif' ".
		       "border='0' align='middle'></a>\n";

$rv .= "<br>".$below if ($below);
$rv .= &ui_form_end() if ($cgi);
$rv .= "</center>\n";
return $rv;

=head2 js_checkbox_disable(name, &checked-disable, &checked-enable, [tag])

For internal use only.

sub js_checkbox_disable
my $rv;
my $f;
foreach $f (@{$_[1]}) {
	$rv .= "form.elements[\"$f\"].disabled = $_[0].checked; ";
foreach $f (@{$_[2]}) {
	$rv .= "form.elements[\"$f\"].disabled = !$_[0].checked; ";
return $_[3] ? "$_[3]='$rv'" : $rv;

=head2 js_redirect(url, [window-object])

Returns HTML to trigger a redirect to some URL.

sub js_redirect
my ($url, $window) = @_;
if (defined(&theme_js_redirect)) {
	return &theme_js_redirect(@_);
$window ||= "window";
if ($url =~ /^\//) {
	# If the URL is like /foo , add webprefix
	$url = &get_webprefix().$url;
return "<script type='text/javascript'>${window}.location = '".&quote_escape($url)."';</script>\n";

=head2 ui_webmin_link(module, page)

Returns the URL for a link to this Webmin instance that can be used in an email

sub ui_webmin_link
my ($mod, $page) = @_;
if (defined(&theme_ui_webmin_link)) {
	return &theme_ui_webmin_link(@_);
my %miniserv;
my $proto = $miniserv{'ssl'} ? 'https' : 'http';
my $port = $miniserv{'port'};
my $host = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} || &get_display_hostname();
if ($host =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+):(\d+)$/) {
	$host = $1;
	$port = $2;
my $rv = $proto."://$host:$port";
if ($mod) {
	$rv .= "/$mod";
if ($page) {
	$rv .= "/$page";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_line_break_double()

Create double line break, with accessible second break

sub ui_line_break_double
if (defined(&theme_ui_line_break_double)) {
	return &theme_ui_line_break_double(@_);
return "<br><br data-x-br>\n";

=head2 ui_page_refresh()

Returns theme based JavaScript function to refresh current page

sub ui_page_refresh
if (defined(&theme_ui_page_refresh)) {
	return &theme_ui_page_refresh(@_);
return "window.location.reload()";

=head2 ui_details(Config, Opened)

Creates a disclosure widget in which information is visible only when
the widget is toggled into an "open" state.

sub ui_details
my ($c, $o) = @_;
if (defined(&theme_ui_details)) {
	return &theme_ui_details(@_);

my $rv;
if (!$c->{'html'}) {
	$c->{'title'} = &html_escape($c->{'title'}, 1);
	$c->{'content'} = &html_escape($c->{'content'}, 1);
$c->{'class'} = " class=\"@{[&quote_escape($c->{'class'})]}\"" if($c->{'class'});
$o = ' open' if ($o);
$rv = "<details$c->{'class'}$o>";
$rv .= "<summary>$c->{'title'}</summary>";
$rv .= "<span>$c->{'content'}</span>";
$rv .= "</details>";
return $rv;

=head2 ui_div_row(label, content)

Prints a row without using a table and
places label and content in a way
ui_table_row does

sub ui_div_row
if (defined(&theme_ui_div_row)) {
	return &theme_ui_div_row(@_);
my ($label, $content) = @_;
return "<div class='ui_div_row'><span>$label</span><span>$content</span></div>\n";

=head2 ui_space(number)

Prints no breakable space number of given times

sub ui_space
if (defined(&theme_ui_space)) {
	return &theme_ui_space(@_);
my ($number) = @_;
$number ||= 1;
return "<span class='ui_space'>".("&nbsp;" x $number)."</span>\n";

=head2 ui_newline(number)

Prints new lines given number of times

sub ui_newline
if (defined(&theme_ui_newline)) {
	return &theme_ui_newline(@_);
my ($number) = @_;
$number ||= 1;
return "<span class='ui_newline'>".("<br>" x $number)."</span>\n";

=head2 ui_text_wrap(text)

Wraps any text into span tags

sub ui_text_wrap
if (defined(&theme_ui_text_wrap)) {
	return &theme_ui_text_wrap(@_);
my ($text) = @_;
return "<span class='ui_text_wrap'>$text</span>\n";

=head2 ui_element_inline(text)

Wraps any text into span tags

sub ui_element_inline
if (defined(&theme_ui_element_inline)) {
	return &theme_ui_element_inline(@_);
my ($element, $type) = @_;
return "<span data-element='$type' class='ui_element_inline'>$element</span>\n";

=head2 ui_paginations(&array, &opts)

Given an array reference, slice it and return hash
reference with pagination buttons, search form
and other elements to be inserted on the page 

sub ui_paginations
return &theme_ui_paginations(@_)
	if (defined(&theme_ui_paginations));

my ($arr, $opts) = @_;
my %rv;
my $id                   = $main::ui_paginations++;
my @arr                  = @{$arr};
my ($script_name)        = $0 =~ /([^\/]*\.cgi)$/;
my $top_offset_px        = int($opts->{'paginations'}->{'offset'}->{'top'}) || 105;
my $bottom_offset_px     = int($opts->{'paginations'}->{'offset'}->{'bottom'}) || 90;
my $row_size_px          = int($opts->{'paginations'}->{'offset'}->{'row'}) || 24;
my $items_per_page       = int($tconfig{'paginate'}) || int($opts->{"paginate${id}"}) || 20;
my $curent_page          = int($opts->{"page${id}"}) || 1;
my $search_term          = &un_urlize($opts->{"search${id}"});
my $pagination_target    = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'paginator'}->{'target'} || $script_name;
my $paginator_wrap_class = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'paginator'}->{'class'}->{'wrap'} || "ui_form_elements_wrapper_paginator";
my $link_page_cls        = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'paginator'}->{'class'}->{'links'} || 'ui_link_pagination';
my $link_search_cls      = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'paginator'}->{'class'}->{'textbox'} || 'ui_textbox_pagination';
my $text_showing_cls     = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'paginator'}->{'class'}->{'text'} || 'ui_showing_items';
my $search_target        = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'search'}->{'target'} || $script_name;
my $search_wrap_class    = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'search'}->{'class'}->{'wrap'} || "ui_form_elements_wrapper_search";
my $search_placeholder   = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'search'}->{'placeholder'} || $text{'ui_searchok'};
my $exported_form        = $opts->{'paginations'}->{'form'};
my $ui_column_colspan    = int($exported_form->{'colspan'} || 4);

# If we have a search string filter existing content
if (ref($arr) eq 'ARRAY' && $arr->[0]) {
    if ($search_term) {
        my @sarr;
          map {
            if (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY') {
                arr: for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$_; $i++) {
                  push(@sarr, $_), last arr
                        if(index(lc($_->[$i]), lc($search_term)) != -1);
            if (ref($_) eq 'HASH') {
                hash: foreach my $__ (values %{$_}) {
                  push(@sarr, $_), last hash
                        if(index(lc($__), lc($search_term)) != -1);
          } @arr;
          @arr = @sarr;

    # Can pagination be done automatically
    # depending on the client screen height?
    my $items_per_page_client = int($opts->{'client_height'} || get_http_cookie('client_height'));
    my $items_per_page =
        $tconfig{'paginate'} ?
          $items_per_page :
            (int($ENV{'HTTP_X_CLIENT_PAGINATE'}) ||
              ($items_per_page_client ?
                ((int(($items_per_page_client -
                    $top_offset_px - $bottom_offset_px) / $row_size_px))) : $items_per_page));
    # If caller wants specific pagination number,
    # e.g. a module config, use that instead
    if ($exported_form && $exported_form->{'paginate'}) {
        $items_per_page = $exported_form->{'paginate'};

    # Sanity check for minimum items per page
   	if ($items_per_page <= 0) {
   		$items_per_page = 2;

    # Pagination
    my $totals_items_original = scalar(@arr);
    my $total_pages           = ceil(($totals_items_original) / $items_per_page);
    my $total_pages_length    = length($total_pages);

    # Dynamically parse external form elements into query string
    my $exported_form_query  = "";
    if ($exported_form) {
        foreach (keys %{$exported_form}) {
            $exported_form_query .= "$_=@{[&urlize($exported_form->{$_})]}&";
        $exported_form_query =~ s/\&$//;

    # Return pagination jumper only
    # if there is more than one page
    if ($total_pages > 1) {
        my $totals_items_spliced = $totals_items_original;
        my $start_page_with      = $curent_page * $items_per_page;
        $curent_page = $total_pages
            if ($curent_page > $total_pages);
        $curent_page = 1
            if ($curent_page <= 0);

        my $curent_page_prev   = $curent_page - 1;
        my $page_prev_disabled = $curent_page_prev <= 0 ? " disabled" : "";
        my $curent_page_next   = $curent_page + 1;
        my $page_next_disabled = $curent_page_next > $total_pages ? " disabled" : "";
        my $splice_start       = $items_per_page * $curent_page_prev;
        my $splice_end         = $items_per_page;
        @arr                   = splice(@arr, $splice_start, $splice_end);
        $totals_items_spliced  = scalar(@arr);

        # Pagination jumper
        my $paginator_id = 'paginator-form';
        my $paginator_data = "$paginator_id-data";

        # Paginator form
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form'} =
          &ui_form_start($pagination_target, 'get', undef, "id='$paginator_id${id}'");
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form'} .= &ui_form_end();

        # Paginator form data
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} = &ui_hidden("search${id}", $search_term, "$paginator_id${id}")
            if ($search_term);
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .= &ui_hidden("paginate${id}", $items_per_page, "$paginator_id${id}");

        # Calculate showing start and range numbers
        my $current_showing_start =
          $curent_page == 1 ? 1 : int(($items_per_page * $curent_page + 1) - $items_per_page);
        my $current_showing_range =
          int($current_showing_start + $items_per_page > $totals_items_original ?
            $totals_items_original : $current_showing_start + $items_per_page - 1);

        # Showing items range selector text
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .=
          "<span class='@{[&quote_escape($text_showing_cls)]}-1'>@{[
              &text('paginator_showing_start', $current_showing_start,
                  $current_showing_range, $totals_items_original) ]} </span>";
        # Arrow links
        my $search_term_urlize      = &urlize($search_term);
        my $curent_page_prev_urlize = &urlize($curent_page_prev);
        my $curent_page_next_urlize = &urlize($curent_page_next);
        my $items_per_page_urlize   = &urlize($items_per_page);
        my $total_pages_html_escape = &html_escape($total_pages);

        # Arrow link left
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .=
                "@{[&html_escape($link_page_cls)]} @{[&html_escape($link_page_cls)]}_left$page_prev_disabled",

        # Page number input selector
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .=
          &ui_textbox("page${id}", $curent_page, $total_pages_length, undef, $total_pages_length,
                      "data-class='@{[&quote_escape($link_search_cls)]}' form='$paginator_id${id}'");

        # Out of pages text
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .=
          " <span class='@{[&quote_escape($text_showing_cls)]}-2'>@{[&text('paginator_showing_end',

        # Arrow link right
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .=
                "@{[&html_escape($link_page_cls)]} @{[&html_escape($link_page_cls)]}_right$page_next_disabled",

        # Allow listing pages using "Alt + left/right" hotkeys
            $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-scripts'} .=
              "  document.addEventListener('keydown', function(a) {\n".
              "      if (a.altKey) {\n".
              "          if (a.which === 37 || a.which === 39) {\n".
              "              let b = 'ui_link_pagination',\n".
              "                  f = 'data-formid=\"$id\"',\n".
              "                  d = 'disabled',\n".
              "                  l = document.querySelector('.' + b + '_left[' + f + ']:not(.' + d + ')'),\n".
              "                  r = document.querySelector('.' + b + '_right[' + f + ']:not(.' + d + ')');\n".
              "              if (a.which === 37 && l && l.checkVisibility()) {\n".
              "                  l.click();\n".
              "              } else if (a.which === 39 && r && r.checkVisibility()) {\n".
              "                  r.click();\n".
              "              }\n".
              "          }\n".
              "      }\n".
              "  });\n".

        # Dynamically adding external form elements
        if ($exported_form) {
            foreach (keys %{$exported_form}) {
                $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} .=
                    &ui_hidden($_, $exported_form->{$_}, "$paginator_id${id}");
        $rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'} =
          &ui_form_elements_wrapper($rv{'paginator'}->{'form-data'}, "$paginator_id${id}",
    # Search form
    if ($total_pages > 1 || $search_term) {
        my $search_id   = 'search-form';
        my $search_data = "$search_id-data";

        # Paginator search form
        $rv{'search'}->{'form'} = 
            &ui_form_start($search_target, 'get', undef, "id='$search_id${id}'");
        $rv{'search'}->{'form'} .= &ui_form_end();

        # Paginator search form data
        $rv{'search'}->{'form-data'} .= &ui_hidden("paginate${id}", $items_per_page, "$search_id${id}");
        $rv{'search'}->{'form-data'} .= &ui_hidden("page${id}", 1, "$search_id${id}");
        my $search_placeholder_length = length($search_term) || length($search_placeholder);
        $search_placeholder_length = $search_placeholder_length < 8 ? 8 : $search_placeholder_length;
        $search_placeholder_length = 24 if ($search_placeholder_length >= 24);
        # Search box
        $rv{'search'}->{'form-data'} .=
          &ui_textbox("search${id}", $search_term, $search_placeholder_length, undef, undef,
            "data-class='@{[&quote_escape($link_search_cls)]}_search' ".
            "placeholder='@{[&quote_escape($search_placeholder)]}' form='$search_id${id}'");
        # Search reset using JS
        $rv{'search'}->{'form-data'} .=
          &ui_reset('&#x26CC;', undef,
            "onclick='document.getElementById(\"$search_id${id}\").search${id}.value = \"\";".
        # Dynamically adding external form elements
        if ($exported_form) {
            foreach (keys %{$exported_form}) {
                $rv{'search'}->{'form-data'} .=
                    &ui_hidden($_, $exported_form->{$_}, "$search_id${id}");
        $rv{'search'}->{'form-data'} =
                "$search_id${id}", &quote_escape($search_wrap_class));
        # Search no results
        $rv{'search'}->{'no-results'} =
          &ui_columns_row([&text('paginator_nosearchrs', &html_escape($search_term))],
                          ['colspan="'.$ui_column_colspan.'" align="center"']);

        # Elements for the parent form, so after submission to
        # make sure that we return to the right paginated page
        $rv{'form'} = &ui_hidden("page${id}", $curent_page).
                      &ui_hidden("paginate${id}", $items_per_page).
                      &ui_hidden("search${id}", $search_term);
@$arr = @arr;
return \%rv;

=head2 ui_hide_outside_of_viewport(elem)

Prints element if not in viewport. Useful
when printing top and bottom controls as
printing bottom controls only if it's not
in view already

sub ui_hide_outside_of_viewport
my ($elem_sel) = @_;
$elem_sel ||= "[data-outside-of-viewport]";
if (defined(&theme_ui_hide_outside_of_viewport)) {
	return &theme_ui_hide_outside_of_viewport(@_);
return <<EOF;
<script type='text/javascript'>
 try {
     (function() {
        var elems = document.querySelectorAll('$elem_sel'),
        for (i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
          if (elems[i].offsetTop < window.innerHeight) {
              elems[i].style.display = "none";
  } catch (e) {};

=head2 ui_read_file_contents_limit(\%data)

Reads file content with options and
returns head and/or tail separated with
chomped message

sub ui_read_file_contents_limit
if (defined(&theme_ui_read_file_contents_limit)) {
	return &theme_ui_read_file_contents_limit(@_);
my ($opts)  = @_;
my $binary  = -s $opts->{'file'} >= 128 && -B $opts->{'file'};
my $data = &read_file_contents_limit($opts->{'file'}, $opts->{'limit'}, $opts);
my $error = $data->{'error'};
if ($error) {
    return $error;
my $nonulls = sub {
    $_[0] =~ s/[^[:print:]\n\r\t]/\ /g;
    return $_[0];
my $head     = $data->{'head'};
my $tail     = $data->{'tail'};
my $chomped  = $data->{'chomped'};
my $fsize    = $data->{'size'};
my $flimit   = $data->{'limit'};
my $msg_type = !$head &&  $tail ? '_tail' :
                $head && !$tail ? '_head' : undef;
my $nlines   = $nslines = $nelines = "\n" x 10;
$nslines     = undef if (!$head);
$nelines     = undef if (!$tail);
my $chomped_msg;
$chomped_msg =
"${nslines}[--- @{[&text(\"file_truncated_message$msg_type\", 
                         &nice_size($fsize))]} ---]$nelines"
  if ($chomped);

# Trim nulls
$head = &$nonulls($head)
  if ($binary && $head);
$tail = &$nonulls($tail)
  if ($binary && $tail);

# Return data
if ($head && $tail) {
    return $head . $chomped_msg . $tail;
if ($tail) {
    return $chomped_msg . $tail;
if ($head) {
    return $head . $chomped_msg;


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