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Server IP :  /  Your IP :
Web Server : Apache
System : Linux sma1wiradesa.sch.id 4.15.0-213-generic #224-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 19 13:30:12 UTC 2023 x86_64
User : wijaya ( 1017)
PHP Version : 7.3.33-10+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
Disable Function : pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_get_handler,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,pcntl_async_signals,
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /usr/share/usermin/spam/lang/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Command :

[ HOME ]     

Current File : /usr/share/usermin/spam/lang/hu
index_title=SpamAssassin Mail Filter
index_ecmd=The SpamAssassin command $1 was not found on your system. Maybe it is not installed, or your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> is incorrect.
index_ecmd2=The SpamAssassin command $1 was not found on your system.
index_econfig=The SpamAssassin local configuration file or directory $1 was not found on your system. Maybe SpamAssassin is not installed, or your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> is incorrect.
index_edb=Failed to connect to the SpamAssassin configuration database : $1. Check the <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> to be sure you are using the correct settings.
index_version=SpamAssassin version $1
index_warn_usermin=SpamAssassin does not appear to be set up in your Procmail configuration file $2 or the global file $1, so any configuration done using this module will have no effect unless SpamAssassin has been setup globally.
index_warn_webmin=SpamAssassin does not appear to be set up in the system's Procmail configuration file $1, so any configuration done using this module will have no effect unless users have it set up individually.
index_return=module index
index_apply=Apply Changes
index_applydesc=Click this button to apply the current SpamAssassin configuration by sending a HUP signal to all running $1 processes.
index_cpan=Because SpamAssassin is a Perl module, you can also install it automatically using Webmin's <a href='$2'>Perl Modules</a> module to download $1 from CPAN.
index_ecannot=You are not allowed to manage the SpamAssassin configuration file $1

white_title=Allowed and Denied Addresses
white_desc=The tables on this page allow you to specify From: and To: addresses for email that is always or never categorized as spam. Any other email will be processed as normal by SpamAssassin's rules. All email addresses can contain wildcards, like *@foo.com or *.foo.com to match entire domains.
white_from=Senders to never classify as spam
white_gfrom=System-wide senders to never classify as spam
white_unfrom=Exceptions for senders to never classify as spam
white_addr=Sender's address
white_rcvd2=Sender to never classify as spam
white_rcvdhost=Domain in Received header
white_gunfrom=System-wide exceptions for senders to never classify as spam
white_black=Senders to always classify as spam
white_gblack=System-wide senders to always classify as spam
white_unblack=Exceptions for senders always classify as spam
white_gunblack=System-wide exceptions for senders to always classify as spam
white_to=To: or Cc: addresses to allow some or all spam to
white_level0=Some spam
white_level1=More spam
white_level2=All spam
white_err=Failed to save white and black lists
white_efrom='$1' is not a valid From: address
white_ercvd='$1' is not a valid domain name
white_importdesc=This form can be used to add email addresses from a file (such as an exported Outlook or Eudora address book) to the allowed list.
white_import=Import addresses from file
white_sort=Sort allowed addresses after import?
white_importok=Import Now
white_return=allowed and denied addresses
white_tabham=Allowed addresses
white_tabspam=Denied addresses
white_tabsome=Destination addresses
white_tabimport=Import addresses

score_title=Spam Classification
score_desc=SpamAssassin assigns a score to each message based on its content and headers. The options on this page determine the score above which a message is considered spam, and some of the methods via which that score is calculated.
score_header=Spam message classification options
score_score=SpamAssassin test scores
score_name=Test name
score_hits=Hits above which a message is considered spam
score_rbl=Skip RBL open-relay check?
score_mx=Number of times to check From: address MX
score_mxdelay=Seconds to wait between MX checks
score_langs=Languages in email that are not considered potential spam
score_langsall=All languages
score_langssel=Selected languages ..
score_locales=Character sets in email that are not considered potential spam
score_localesall=All character sets
score_localessel=Selected character sets ..
score_auto=Whitelist score factor
score_timeout=Seconds to wait for RBL queries
score_received=Number of Received: headers to check with RBL
score_describe=Test descriptions for report
score_err=Failed to save message scoring
score_ename='$1' is not a valid test name
score_epoints='$1' is not a valid number of points
score_edesc=Missing description for score '$1'
score_ehits=Missing or invalid number of hits above which a message is considered spam
score_eauto=Missing or invalid whitelist score factor (must be between 0 and 1)
score_emx=Missing or invalid number of times to check From: address MX
score_emxdelay=Missing or invalid seconds to wait between MX checks
score_etimeout=Missing or invalid seconds to wait for RBL queries
score_ereceived=Missing or invalid number of Received: headers to check with RBL
score_bayes=Use Bayesian learning classifier?

report_title=Message Modification
report_desc=The options on this page control the modifications that SpamAssassin makes to the headers and body of all messages that it analyzes, and modifications that it makes to those classified as spam.
report_header=Analysed and spam message modification options
report_report=Report attached to messages exceeding the spam threshold
report_clear=Use just text below ..
report_noclear=Add text below to default message ..
report_terse=Report attached to spam messages when in terse mode
report_rsubject=Prepend text to Subject: header
report_rfrom=Prepend text to From: header
report_rto=Prepend text to To: header
report_leave=Leave unchanged
report_rewrite=Modify Subject: header of spam?
report_subject=Text to prepend to spam Subject: header
report_rheader=Put report in X-Spam-Status: header instead of body?
report_useterse=Only generate terse report?
report_fold=Split X-Spam-Status: header over multiple lines?
report_safe=Put original message into attachment?
report_safe2=Yes, as plain text
report_detail=Include details of spam phrases?
report_stars=Include X-Spam-Level: header?
report_char=X-Spam-Level: header character
report_defang=Change MIME type of spam to text/plain?
report_err=Failed to save spam report options
report_echar=A single character must be entered for the X-Spam-Level: header
report_adds=Additional headers to add
report_addfor=Message type
report_addtext=Text for header
report_eaddheader=Missing or invalid additional header to add $1

user_title=Miscellaneous User Options
user_desc=The options on this page are mostly related to the paths and settings that SpamAssassin uses for the external spam identification packages Razor, DCC and Pyzor. You can also tell SpamAssassin if it will be able to perform DNS lookups or not.
user_header=Miscellaneous user-level options
user_dns=Can SpamAssassin do DNS lookups?
user_dnslist=Test by checking servers
user_razor=Razor request timeout in seconds
user_dcc=Location of DCC client program
user_inpath=In PATH
user_bodymax=DCC body checksum count before match
user_fuz1max=DCC fuz1 checksum count before match
user_fuz2max=DCC fuz2 checksum count before match
user_timeout=DCC request timeout in seconds
user_dheader=Add DCC header to messages?
user_pyzor=Location of Pyzor client program
user_pbodymax=Pyzor body checksum count before match
user_ptimeout=Pyzor request timeout in seconds
user_pheader=Add Pyzor header to messages?
user_err=Failed to save user options
user_etimeout='$1' is not a valid timeout
user_epath='$1' is not a valid client program path
user_emax='$1' is not a valid checksum count

header_title=Header and Body Tests
header_desc=This page allows you to define additional tests that SpamAssassin will apply to email, based on message headers, the body content, URLs found in the body, or combinations of other tests. The name assigned to each test is up to you, but is usually something like CONTAINS_FOO. The actual score that SpamAssassin adds to messages matching a test can be set by entering your own or built-in test names in the tables at the bottom of the page.
header_switch=Switch to simple mode ..
header_header=Additional header and body tests
header_allow=Allow users to define tests?
header_test=Header tests
header_tname=Test name
header_name=For header
header_op=Check if
header_op1=Doesn't match..
header_pat=Regular expession
header_default=Default value
header_uri=Email URL tests
header_body=Body tests
header_mode=Body part
header_mode0=Plain text
header_mode1=All text
header_mode2=Raw text
header_mode3=Entire mail
header_meta=Tests based on others
header_bool=Boolean test expression
header_err=Failed to save tests
header_ename='$1' is not a valid test name
header_eclash=Test name '$1' is appears more than once
header_eregexp2=Missing expression for test '$1'
header_eflags='$1' are not valid regular expression flags
header_eeval='$1' is not a valid evaluation function
header_eheader='$1' is not a valid email header
header_eregexp='$1' is not a valid regular expression (must be like /expression/)
header_emeta=Missing test expression for test '$1'

priv_title=Miscellaneous Privileged Options
priv_desc=The options on this can only be set globally, rather than in individual users' configuration files. They control with paths to various configuration and logging file.
priv_header=Miscellaneous privilege-level settings
priv_white=Automatic whitelist file path
priv_mode=Whitelist octal file mode
priv_dcc=DCC command arguments
priv_log=Timing log files path
priv_razor=Razor configuration file path
priv_phrases=Spam indicator phrases
priv_phrase=Two-word phrase
priv_highest=Highest phrase score
priv_err=Failed to save privileged options
priv_epath='$1' is not a valid path
priv_emode='$1' is not a 4-digit octal file mode
priv_eargs='$1' is not a valid list of arguments
priv_emscore='$1' is not a valid highest phrase score
priv_ephrase='$1' is not a valid two-word spam phrase
priv_escore=Missing or invalid score for spam phrase '$1'

usually=Usually $1
ecannot=You are not allowed to use this page
setup_title=Setup Procmail For SpamAssassin
setup_desc_webmin=This form can be used to setup Procmail in $1 to run SpamAssassin on all email messages received by your system. However, this will only have any effect if your mail server has been configured to use Procmail for local delivery, or for users whose <tt>.forward</tt> files are set up to run Procmail.
setup_desc_usermin=This form can be used to setup Procmail in $1 to run SpamAssassin on all email messages sent to your account. However, this will only have any effect if the mail server has been configured to use Procmail for local delivery, or if your <tt>.forward</tt> files is set up to feed all email to Procmail.
setup_head=All messages processed by SpamAssassin will have the <tt>X-Spam</tt> headers set, so that they can be further filtered by mail clients.
setup_rel=Any non-absolute mail file or directory paths entered above will be relative to the home directory of the user receiving email.
setup_home=The variable <tt>$HOME</tt> can be used in the paths above, which will be replaced with the home directory of the user receiving email.
setup_to=Action for messages classified as spam
setup_null=Throw away
setup_default=Deliver normally
setup_file=Append to mbox-format mail file ..
setup_maildir=Append to Qmail-style mail directory ..
setup_mhdir=Append to MH-style mail directory ..
setup_drop=Run SpamAssassin and write to file as
setup_drop1=Recipient Unix user
setup_drop0=<tt>root</tt> user
setup_ok=Setup Procmail for SpamAssassin
setup_email=Forward to email address

setup_err=Failed to setup SpamAssassin
setup_efile=Missing or invalid mbox-format file
setup_emaildir=Missing or invalid Qmail mail directory
setup_emhdir=Missing or invalid MH mail directory
setup_eemail=Missing or invalid email address

log_white=Modified allowed and denied addresses
log_score=Modified spam classification
log_report=Modified message modification
log_user=Modified miscellaneous user options
log_header=Modified header and body tests
log_priv=Modified miscellaneous privileged options
log_setup=Setup Procmail for SpamAssassin
log_procmail=Changed Procmail configuration
log_import=Imported $1 allowed addresses

import_title=Import Addresses
import_err=Failed to import addresses
import_efile=No file to import from selected
import_enone=No email addresses found in file
import_ok1=$2 email addresses were found in the file, of which $1 were new and have been added to the alllowed addresses list.
import_ok2=$1 email addresses were found in the file, but they were all already in the allowed addresses list.

mail_title=Spam Mail
mail_desc=This page lists messages that have been classified as spam, and are awaiting some action. Messages that have been incorrectly indentified can be moved to your Inbox, while those that are really spam can be deleted.
mail_level2=Spam score
mail_inbox=Move to Inbox
mail_whitelist2=Allow Sender & Inbox
mail_razor=Report as Spam & Delete
mail_ham=Report as Ham & Inbox
mail_return=spam mail list
mail_pos=Spam messages $1 to $2 of $3
mail_none=There are no messages in your spam folder
mail_will=Automatic refresh in $1 minutes
mail_wills=Automatic refresh in $1 seconds
mail_delall=Delete All Spam
mail_search3=Search for score above:

process_eclean=An error occurred removing the SpamAssassin headers from this email
process_ereport=Failed to report email to SpamAssassin : $1

apply_err=Failed to apply changes
apply_none=No SpamAssassin daemon processes found!

acl_avail=Icons available to user
acl_file=SpamAssassin configuration file to edit
acl_filedef=Global config file
acl_awl=Allowed users for auto-whitelist editing
acl_awl0=All users
acl_awl1=Only listed users $1
acl_awl2=Only members of groups $1

search_escore=Missing or invalid spam score
search_results5=$1 mail messages with spam score at or above $2 ..

razor_title=Setup Razor Spam Detector
razor_desc=Vipul's Razor is a collaborative spam detection and reporting system that can improve the classification of spam sent to your address. However, before it can be used you must register for a Razor account, using the form below.
razor_user=Razor username
razor_pass=Razor password
razor_auto=Choose automatically
razor_ok=Setup Now
razor_ecmd=The Razor setup command $1 was not found on your system, indicating that Razor is not installed.
razor_err=Failed to setup Razor
razor_euser=Missing username
razor_epass=Missing password
razor_doing=Now attempting to register and setup Razor ..
razor_done=.. done.
razor_failed=.. failed! See the error output above for the reason why.

procmail_title=Procmail Spam Delivery
procmail_ok=Change Procmail Delivery
procmail_desc=The form can be used to change the Procmail configuration that determines what happens to messages classified as spam.

simple_title=Header and Body Tests
simple_desc=This page allows you to define additional tests that SpamAssassin will apply to email, based on message headers, the body content, URLs found in the body. The name assigned to each test is up to you, but is usually something like CONTAINS_FOO.
simple_switch=Switch to advanced mode ..
simple_header=Message tests to apply
simple_name=Test name
simple_regexp=Match expression
simple_score=Score to apply
simple_err=Failed to save message tests

before_ecmd=Before-saving command failed : $1
after_ecmd=After-saving command failed : $1

connect_emysql=Failed to load the database driver $1
connect_elogin=Failed to login to the database $1 : $2.
connect_equery=The database $1 does not contain the preferences table $2
connect_eldapmod=Perl module $1 needed to communicate with LDAP is not installed or not loadable
connect_eldap=Failed to connect to LDAP server $1 on port $2
connect_eldaplogin=Failed to login to LDAP server $1 as $2 : $3
connect_ebase=LDAP base DN $1 is not valid : $2

eldap=LDAP operation failed : $1
esql=SQL failed : $1
ldap_euser=Could not find LDAP user object for $1

db_title=SQL and LDAP Databases
db_header=Configuration storage database options
db_dsn=Store user configurations in
db_mode0=Configuration files
db_mode1=SQL database
db_mode3=LDAP database
db_mode4=Other DSN
db_user=SQL database username
db_pass=SQL database password
db_luser=LDAP server username
db_lpass=LDAP server password
db_dbdriver=Database type
db_dbhost=Database server hostname
db_dbdb=Database name
db_dbport=Port number
db_err=Failed to save databases
db_edbhost=Missing or invalid SQL server hostname
db_edbdb=Missing or invalid-looking database name
db_edbport=Missing or invalid SQL server port number
db_edsn=Missing other DSN
db_eusername=Missing or invalid database username - no spaces are allowed
db_ldaphost=LDAP server hostname
db_ldapport=Port number
db_ldapdn=Base DN for users
db_ldapattr=Attribute for SpamAssassin preferences
db_ldapscope=Search depth
db_ldapsub=Entire subtree
db_ldapone=One level
db_ldapbase=Base only
db_ldapuid=Attribute for username
db_eldaphost=Missing or invalid LDAP server hostname
db_eldapport=Missing or invalid LDAP server port number
db_eldapdn=Missing or invalid base DN - no spaces are allowed
db_eldapattr=Missing or invalid SpamAssassin attribute
db_eldapuid=Missing or invalid username attribute

awl_title=Manage Auto-Whitelists
awl_search=Search whitelist for:
awl_searching=Showing auto-whitelist entries matching $1 ..
awl_email=Email address
awl_ip=Sender's IP or network
awl_count=Messages received
awl_score=Score to apply
awl_delete=Remove Selected Entries
awl_white=Permanently Allow
awl_black=Permanently Deny
awl_cannot=Usermin could not open your auto-whitelist file <tt>$1</tt>, perhaps because it is in an un-supported format.
awl_empty=Your auto-whitelist file <tt>$1</tt> does not contain any entries. It will be populated by SpamAsssassin as mail is processed by the system.
awl_user=Show auto-whitelist for user:
awl_nofile=The user $1 does not have an auto-whitelist file.
awl_nouser=The user $1 does not exist.
awl_cannotuser=You are not allowed to edit the auto-whitelist for user $1.
awl_toomany=There are $1 entries in the auto-whitelist, but at most $2 can be displayed. Use the search form above to limit those shown.
awl_deleteone=Clear Auto-Whitelist
awl_deleteonedesc=Remove all auto-whitelist entries for the user $1.
awl_deleteall=Clear All Auto-Whitelists
awl_deletealldesc=Remove all auto-whitelist entries for all users on the system.

dawl_err=Failed to delete from auto-whitelist
dawl_eopen=Could not open whitelist
dawl_enone=No addresses to delete selected
dawl_ecannot=You are not allowed to manage the auto-whitelist for this user
dawl_doing=Deleting auto-whitelists for all users ..
dawl_done=.. deleted $2 entries from $1 users.
dawl_title=Delete All Auto-Whitelists

Anon7 - 2022