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Server IP :  /  Your IP :
Web Server : Apache
System : Linux sma1wiradesa.sch.id 4.15.0-213-generic #224-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 19 13:30:12 UTC 2023 x86_64
User : wijaya ( 1017)
PHP Version : 7.3.33-10+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
Disable Function : pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_get_handler,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,pcntl_async_signals,
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /usr/share/usermin/htaccess/lang/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Command :

[ HOME ]     

Current File : /usr/share/usermin/htaccess/lang/el
index_title=Apache Webserver
index_eroot=Ο αρχικός φάκελος $1 του Apache δεν υπάρχει. Εάν έχετε εγκαταστήσει τον Apache, τροποποιήστε τις <a href='$2'>ρυθμίσεις ενότητας</a> ώστε να χρησιμοποιούνται οι σωστές διαδρομές.
index_eserver=Το εκτελέσιμο $1 του διακομιστή Apache δεν υπάρχει. Εάν έχετε εγκαταστήσει τον Apache, τροποποιήστε τις <a href='$2'>ρυθμίσεις ενότητας</a> ώστε να χρησιμοποιείται η σωστή διαδρομή.
index_apache=Apache Webserver
index_econf=The Apache configuration file $1 does not exist. If you have Apache installed, adjust the <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> to use the correct path.
index_eports=Your Apache configuration contains more than 1 $1 directive. The current version of Webmin cannot properly handle this setup.
index_tabglobal=Γενικές ρυθμίσεις
index_tablist=Υπάρχοντες εικονικοί διακομιστές
index_tabcreate=Δημιουργία εικονικού διακομιστή
index_descglobal=Οι επιλογές που προσφέρονται πατώντας σε αυτά τα εικονίδια εφαρμόζονται σε ολόκληρο τον διακομιστή Apache, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και όλων των εικονικών διακομιστών.
index_desclist=The list below shows all Apache virtual hosts currently defined, for which you have access. The <b>Default Server</b> entry defines settings that apply to all other virtual hosts, unless overridden.
index_desccreate=This form can be used to add a new Apache virtual host, which serves content from a specified directory in response to requests for a particular IP address or hostname.
index_defserv=Προεπιλεγμένος Διακομιστής
index_defdesc1=Defines the default settings for all other virtual servers, and processes any unhandled requests.
index_newaddr=Handle connections to address
index_any1=Those not handled by another server
index_any2=Οποιαδήποτε διέυθυνση
index_any0=Συγκεκριμένη διεύθυνση ..
index_virt=Εικονικός Διακομιστής
index_vname=Handles the name-based server $1 on address $2.
index_vnamed=Handles the name-based server $1 on all addresses
index_vdef=Processes all requests not handled by other virtual servers.
index_defdesc2=Defines the default settings for all other virtual servers.
index_vport=Processes all requests on port $1 not handled by other virtual servers.
index_vaddr=Handles all requests to the address $1.
index_vaddrport=Handles all requests to the address $1 on port $2.
index_nv=Add name virtual server address (if needed)
index_listen=Listen on address (if needed)
index_name=Όνομα Διακομιστή
index_root=Αρχικός Φάκελος
index_adddir=Να επιτρέπεται η πρόσβαση σε αυτόν τον κατάλογο
index_proxy=Αντιστοίχιση σε URL
index_create=Create a New Virtual Server
index_crnow=Δημιουργία Τώρα
index_return=λίστα διακομιστών
index_return2=γενικές ρυθμίσεις
index_toomany=There are too many virtual servers on your system to display on one page
index_find=Βρείτε διακομιστές όπου
index_nequals=δεν ισούται
index_nmatches=δεν ταιριάζει
index_clone=Αντιγραφή οδηγιών από
index_version=Apache έκδοση $1
index_file=Add virtual server to file
index_fmode0=Standard $1 file
index_fmode1=Virtual servers file $1
index_fmode1d=New file under virtual servers directory $1
index_fmode2=Επιλεγμένο αρχείο..
index_delete=Διαγραφή Επιλεγμένων Διακομιστών

cvirt_ecannot=You are not allowed to create a virtual server
cvirt_err=Failed to create virtual server
cvirt_eaddr1=No address entered
cvirt_eaddr2='$1' is not a valid address
cvirt_eport='$1' is not a valid port
cvirt_ename='$1' is not a valid server name
cvirt_eroot1=You must enter a document root
cvirt_eroot2=Failed to create directory '$1' : $2
cvirt_eroot3=You are not allowed to use the root directory '$1'
cvirt_eroot4=No User defined in the Apache configuration
cvirt_etaken=A virtual server with the same name and port already exists
cvirt_efile=Failed to write to $1 : $2
cvirt_emissing=The new virtual server was added to $1, but this file is not used by Apache. Check the <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> and make sure the 'File or directory to add virtual servers to' is correct.

etype=You are not allowed to edit options of this type
efailed=Failed to save $1
apache_apply=Apply Changes
apache_stop=Stop Apache
apache_start=Start Apache
auth_return=access control
default_serv=default server
eafter=Configuration verification failed : $1 Changes have not been saved.

global_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit global options
global_mime=Global MIME types list
global_mimedesc=Click on a MIME type from the list below to edit it, or use the link at the bottom of the page to add a new type to the list.
global_add=Add a new MIME type.
global_return=MIME types

mime_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit mime types
mime_edit=Edit MIME Type
mime_add=Add MIME Type
mime_header=Filename extensions to MIME type mapping
mime_type=MIME Type
mime_err=Failed to save MIME type
mime_etype='$1' is not a valid MIME type

virt_ecannot=Δεν μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε αυτόν τον εικονικό διακομιστή
virt_title=Επιλογές Εικονικού Διακομιστή
virt_header=Για $1
virt_opts=Λεπτομέρειες Εικονικού Διακομιστή
virt_opts2=Επιλογές Εικονικού Διακομιστή
virt_conf=Ρυθμίσεις Διακομιστή
virt_show=Προβολή Οδηγιών
virt_edit=Επεξεργασία Οδηγιών
virt_adddir=Create Per-Directory, Files or Location Options
virt_DirectoryMatch=Directory regexp
virt_FilesMatch=Files regexp
virt_LocationMatch=Location regexp
virt_ProxyMatch=Proxy regexp
virt_exact=Exact match
virt_re=Match regexp
virt_return=server index
virt_euser=You are not allowed to change the user or group for this virtual server.
virt_header2=$1 for $2

vserv_title=Virtual Server Configuration
vserv_virtualmin=This Apache virtual host belongs to the Virtualmin server <tt>$1</tt>, so the address, port, base directory and hostname cannot be changed here.
vserv_ecannot=You cannot edit this virtual server's address
vserv_addr1=Default server
vserv_root=Document Root
vserv_name=Server Name
vserv_delete=Delete Virtual Server
vserv_err=Failed to save virtual server
vserv_eaddr1=No address entered
vserv_eaddr2='$1' is not a valid address
vserv_eport='$1' is not a valid port
vserv_eroot='$1' is not a valid document root
vserv_ename='$1' is not a valid server name
vserv_eaddrs=No virtual server addresses entered

show_edit=Edit Apache directive:
show_these=Manually edit directives

manual_configs=Edit Config Files
manual_title=Edit Directives
manual_header=Use the text box below to manually edit the Apache directives in $1 that apply to this virtual server, directory or files.
manual_ecannot=You are not allowed to manually edit directives
manual_file=Edit Directives in File:
manual_efile=Invalid Apache config file
manual_etest=Configuration file error detected : $1
manual_editfile=Edit config file:

dir_title=Per-Directory Options
dir_proxyall=All proxy requests
dir_header=For $1 on $2
dir_show=Show Directives
dir_edit=Edit Directives
dir_opts=Options apply to ..
dir_exact=Exact match
dir_re=Match regexp
dir_return=directory index
dir_header2=$1 for $2

type_0=Διεργασίες και Όρια
type_1=Δικτύωση και Διευθύνσεις
type_2=Πρόσθετα Apache
type_3=Αρχεία Καταγραφής
type_4=Έλεγχος Πρόσβασης
type_5=Επιλογές Εγγράφων
type_6=Τύποι MIME
type_7=Error Handling
type_8=Χρήστης και Ομάδα
type_10=Ψευδώνυμα και Ανακατευθύνσεις
type_11=Προγράμματα CGI
type_12=Ευρετηριοποίηση Φακέλων
type_14=Επιλογές SSL
type_17=Αυτόματοι Εικονικοί Διακομιστές
type_20=Χάρτες Εικόνων

htaccess_title=Per-Directory Options Files
htaccess_ecannot=You cannot edit htaccess files
htaccess_file=Existing options files
htaccess_desc=Additional per-directory options can be specified in a file (usually called <tt>.htaccess</tt>) in each directory. The options apply to all files in that directory and any sub-directories, unless overridden by another options file.
htaccess_create=Create Options File
htaccess_find=Find Options Files
htaccess_from=From directory
htaccess_return=options file list
htaccess_edir='$1' is not a valid directory
htaccess_ecreate=You are not allowed to create this options file
htaccess_edelete=You are not allowed to delete this options file
htaccess_eempty=No options file directory entered
htaccess_eabsolute=Options file directory must be an absolute path
htaccess_err=Failed to create options file

htindex_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit this options file
htindex_title=Per-Directory Options File
htindex_delete=Delete File
htindex_show=Show Directives
htindex_edit=Edit Directives
htindex_opts=Per-Directory Options
htindex_file=Per-File Configuration
htindex_create=Create Per-File Options
htindex_exact=Exact match
htindex_re=Match regexp
htindex_header=For $1
htindex_header2=$1 for options file $2
htindex_return=options file index

htfile_title=Per-File Options
htfile_header=For $1 in $2
htfile_show=Show Directives
htfile_edit=Edit Directives
htfile_apply=Options apply to ..
htfile_header2=$1 for $2

reconfig_title=Re-Configure Known Modules
reconfig_ecannot=You are not allowed to reconfigure apache
reconfig_ever=Failed to get the version of Apache server executable $1. Check your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> to make sure this is the correct path.
reconfig_desc1=Your Apache configuration has changed, or has not yet been examined by Webmin. Below is a list of all Apache modules supported by Webmin, with those currently installed selected. You may select or de-select modules if the list is incorrect.
reconfig_desc2=Below is a list of all Apache modules supported by Webmin, with those currently installed selected. If you are using dynamically loaded modules then you may need to select those that are dynamically loaded.
reconfig_desc3=If you are unsure which modules are supported by Apache on your system, just Configure as Webmin can normally work out the supported modules automatically.

defines_title=Edit Defined Parameters
defines_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit httpd defines
defines_desc=When Apache is started, parameters can be passed to it with the <tt>-D</tt> command line option. Because these parameters can affect which directives are used in your config files, Webmin needs to know which ones are passed to Apache when it is started up. Enter the parameters used on your system into the text field on the right.
defines_config=Note that the following defined parameters are already known : $1
defines_list=Defined parameters

authu_ecannot='$1' is not an allowed users text file
authu_title=User List
authu_header=In file $1
authu_header2=Users from text file $1
authu_none=No users in text file $1
authu_add=Add a new user
authu_return=user list
authu_edit=Edit User
authu_create=Create User
authu_plain=Plain text..
authu_err=Failed to save user
authu_euser=No username entered
authu_euser2=Username cannot contain a :
authu_edup=A user called '$1' already exists
authu_sync=The options below allow you to configure Webmin to automatically add, update or delete a user from this password file when a user is added, modified or removed in the <tt>Users and Groups</tt> module.
authu_screate=Add a user when a Unix user is added
authu_sdelete=Delete the user when a Unix user is deleted
authu_smodify=Change the user when a Unix user is changed

authg_ecannot='$1' is not an allowed groups text file
authg_title=Group List
authg_header=In file $1
authg_header2=Groups from text file $1
authg_none=No groups in text file $1
authg_add=Add a new group
authg_return=group list
authg_edit=Edit Group
authg_create=Create Group
authg_group=Group name
authg_dont=Don't change
authg_set=Set to..
authg_err=Failed to save group
authg_euser=No group name entered
authg_euser2=Group name cannot contain a :
authg_edup=A group called '$1' already exists

stop_err=Failed to stop apache
stop_ecannot=You are not allowed to stop apache
stop_epid=Failed to open PID file $1
stop_epid2=Invalid PID file $1
stop_esig=Failed to send SIGTERM to process $1

start_err=Failed to start apache
start_ecannot=You are not allowed to start apache
start_ecmd=$1 failed : $2
start_eunknown=Unknown reason
start_eafter=Apache does not appear to be running

restart_err=Failed to apply changes
restart_epid=Failed to open PID file $1
restart_epid2=Invalid PID file $1
restart_esig=Failed to send SIGHUP to process $1
restart_eunknown=Unknown reason
restart_ecannot=You are not allowed to apply changes

acl_virts=Virtual servers this user can edit
acl_vall=All servers
acl_defserv=Default Server
acl_global=Can edit global options?
acl_htaccess=.htaccess only
acl_create=Can create virtual servers?
acl_vuser=Can change virtual server users?
acl_vaddr=Can change virtual server addresses?
acl_pipe=Can pipe logs to programs?
acl_stop=Can stop and start Apache?
acl_apply=Can apply changes?
acl_dir=Limit files to directory
acl_aliasdir=Limit aliases to directory
acl_types=Directive types available
acl_names=Can edit server names?
acl_dirs=Apache directives available<br><font size=-1>(Subject to types limit above)</font>
acl_dirs1=Only listed ..
acl_dirs2=All except listed ..

core_maxconc=Maximum concurrent requests
core_maxkeep=Maximum keepalives per connection
core_maxreq=Maximum requests per server process
core_minspare=Minimum spare server processes
core_maxspare=Maximum spare server processes
core_initial=Initial server processes
core_emaxconc=Maximum concurrent requests must be an integer
core_emaxkeep=Maximum keepalives per connection must be an integer
core_emaxreq=Maximum requests per server process must be an integer
core_eminspare=Minimum spare server processes must be an integer
core_emaxspare=Maximum spare server processes must be an integer
core_einitial=Initial server processes must be an integer
core_cpulimit=CPU resource limit
core_memlimit=Memory resource limit
core_proclimit=Process limit
core_cpulimit2=CPU resource limit
core_memlimit2=memory resource limit
core_proclimit2=process limit
core_slimit=Soft limit 
core_hlimit=Hard limit 
core_eslimit=$1 is not a valid soft $2
core_ehlimit=$1 is not a valid hard $2
core_dport=Default port:
core_listen=Listen on addresses and ports
core_eaddress='$1' is not a valid address
core_eport='$1' is not a valid port
core_eoneaddr=You must specify at least one address to listen on
core_edefport=Invalid default port
core_eduplisten=Listen address $1 is listed twice
core_multi=Multiple requests per connection
core_ekeep='$1' is not a valid number of keepalives
core_ltwice=Lookup twice
core_keeptout=Keep-alive timeout
core_lqueue=Listen queue length
core_bufsize=TCP send buffer size
core_admin=Server admin email address
core_rtout=Request timeout
core_bhostname=Use hostname supplied by browser
core_lookup=Lookup hostnames
core_useauth=Do RFC1413 user lookups
core_altnames=Alternate virtual server names
core_hostname=Server hostname
core_virtaddr=Addresses for name virtual servers
core_virtaddr_star=Include all addresses
core_ekeeptout=Keep-alive timeout must be an integer
core_elqueue=Listen queue length must be an integer
core_ebufsize=TCP send buffer size must be an integer
core_ertout=Request timeout must be an integer
core_ehostname=Invalid server hostname
core_osdefault=OS Default
core_evirtaddr='$1' is not a valid address for name virtual servers
core_auth=Authentication options
core_mime=MIME types and encodings
core_indexing=Indexing and index files
core_hostacc=Hostname access control
core_diropts=Directory options
core_filesel=Selected below...
core_execcgi=Execute CGI programs
core_flink=Follow symbolic links
core_inclexe=Server-side includes and execs
core_incl=Server-side includes
core_genind=Generate directory indexes
core_genmview=Generate Multiviews
core_flinkmatch=Follow symbolic links if owners match
core_optsel=Selected below..
core_optfile=Per-directory options file
core_overr=Options file can override..
core_genmd5=Generate MD5 digests
core_docroot=Document root directory
core_eoptfile=Only one options file is allowed
core_enoopt=No options file entered
core_enodoc=Document root '$1' does not exist
core_ecandoc=You are not allowed to use the document root '$1'
core_sigemail=Email address
core_signame=Server name
core_virtpath=Virtual server path
core_footer=Error message footer
core_evirtpath=Virtual server path must start with a /
core_defmime=Default MIME type
core_edefmime=Default MIME type must be in the form type/subtype
core_forcetype=Force MIME type
core_eforcetype=Forced MIME type must be in the form type/subtype
core_realm=Authentication realm name
core_authtype=Authentication type
core_authall=All access controls
core_authany=Any access control
core_authlog=Restrict access by login
core_satisfy=Clients must satisfy
core_inetd=Run from inetd
core_verosmod=Version and OS and modules
core_veros=Version and OS
core_ver=Version only
core_minor=Minor version only
core_coredir=Core dump directory
core_lockfile=Server lock file
core_maxbody=Maximum request body size
core_maxxml=Maximum XML request body size
core_maxhead=Maximum headers in request
core_maxshead=Maximum request header size
core_maxline=Maximum request line size
core_pid=Server PID file
core_memsco=Shared memory scoreboard file
core_exec=Server execution
core_header=Server HTTP header
core_ecore=Invalid core dump directory
core_elock=Invalid lock file
core_ebody=Invalid request body size
core_exml=Invalid XML request body size
core_ehead=Invalid number of headers
core_eshead=Invalid header size
core_eline=Invalid request line size
core_epid=Invalid PID file
core_escore=Invalid scoreboard file
core_sroot=Server root
core_group=Group name
core_gid=Group ID
core_user=User name
core_uid=User ID
core_asgroup=Run as Unix group
core_asuser=Run as Unix user
core_euid='$1' is not a valid group ID
core_egid='$1' is not a valid user ID
core_tourl=Goto URL..
core_mesg=Show message..
core_error=Error code
core_urlmsg=URL or message
core_custom=Custom error responses
core_eerror='$1' is not a valid error code
core_eurl='$1' is not a valid URL
core_syslog=System Log
core_errfile=Error log file
core_logto=Error log to
core_efilelog=Invalid error log file
core_edirlog=Error log file is not under the allowed directory
core_eerrordir=Directory for error log file does not exist
core_efilemiss=Missing error log file
core_eprogmiss=Missing error log program
core_eperm=You are not allowed to pipe logs to programs
core_allmod=All modules
core_selmod=Selected modules..
core_actmod=Active modules
core_setdir=Set for directory
core_merge=Merge with parent
core_users=Only these users
core_groups=Only these groups
core_allusers=All valid users
core_fileowner=File owner matches
core_filegroup=Group owner matches
core_product=Product only
core_major=Major version only
core_fileetag=Generate ETag header from
core_fileetag_sel=Selected attributes :
core_fileetag_inode=INode number
core_fileetag_mtime=Last modified time
core_fileetag_size=File size
core_loglevel=Error log level
core_log_emerg=Emergencies - system is unusable
core_log_alert=Action must be taken immediately
core_log_crit=Critical Conditions
core_log_error=Error conditions
core_log_warn=Warning conditions
core_log_notice=Normal but significant conditions
core_log_debug=Debug-level messages
core_infilter=Apply input filters for all files
core_outfilter=Apply output filters for all files
core_defchar=Character set for documents
core_edefchar=Missing or invalid character set for documents

mod_negotiation_cache=Cache content-negotiated documents?
mod_negotiation_pri=Language priority for multi-views
mod_negotiation_epri=Missing language priorities

mod_cgi_logname=CGI Script log
mod_cgi_elogname=Invalid CGI script log file
mod_cgi_logsize=Maximum CGI log size
mod_cgi_elogsize=CGI log size must be an integer
mod_cgi_post=Maximum logged post data size
mod_cgi_epost=Post data size must be an integer
mod_cgi_eunder=CGI script log is not under the allowed directory

mod_alias_efrom='$1' is not a valid $2
mod_alias_edest='$1' is not a valid $2 destination
mod_alias_edest2=You are not allowed to use the $2 destination '$1'
mod_alias_alias=Document directory aliases
mod_alias_alias2=document alias
mod_alias_regexp=Regexp document directory aliases
mod_alias_regexp2=regexp document alias
mod_alias_redir=URL redirects
mod_alias_redir2=URL redirect
mod_alias_rredir=Regexp URL redirects
mod_alias_rredir2=regexp URL redirect
mod_alias_tredir=Temporary URL redirects
mod_alias_tredir2=temporary URL redirect
mod_alias_predir=Permanent URL redirects
mod_alias_predir2=permanent URL redirect
mod_alias_cgi=CGI directory aliases
mod_alias_cgi2=CGI directory alias
mod_alias_rcgi=Regexp CGI directory aliases
mod_alias_rcgi2=regexp CGI directory alias
mod_alias_estatus='$1' is not a valid status

mod_proxy_proxy=Act as proxy server?
mod_proxy_forw=Forward to
mod_proxy_pass=Requests to pass to another proxy
mod_proxy_local=Local URL path
mod_proxy_remote=Remote URL
mod_proxy_map=Map local to remote URLs
mod_proxy_block=Block requests to domains
mod_proxy_eblock=No domains given to block
mod_proxy_noproxy=No proxy for..
mod_proxy_nopass=Don't pass requests to another proxy for
mod_proxy_nodomain=Domain for requests with no domain
mod_proxy_enodomain=Invalid default domain
mod_proxy_connect=Ports to which CONNECT is allowed
mod_proxy_econnect=Invalid CONNECT ports
mod_proxy_dir=Cache directory
mod_proxy_edir=Invalid cache directory name
mod_proxy_size=Cache size
mod_proxy_esize=Invalid cache size
mod_proxy_garbage=Cache garbage collection interval
mod_proxy_egarbage=Invalid cache garbage collection interval
mod_proxy_maxexp=Cached file maximum expiry time
mod_proxy_emaxexp=Invalid cached file maximum expiry time
mod_proxy_expfac=Cached file expiry time factor
mod_proxy_eexpfac=Invalid cached file expiry time factor
mod_proxy_levels=Cache directory levels
mod_proxy_elevels=Invalid number of cache directory levels
mod_proxy_length=Cache directory name length
mod_proxy_elength=Invalid cache directory name length
mod_proxy_defexp=Cache default expiry time
mod_proxy_edefexp=Invalid default expiry time
mod_proxy_finish=Finish and cache transfer after
mod_proxy_efinish=Invalid transfer percentage
mod_proxy_nocache=Domains not to cache
mod_proxy_enocache=No domains not to cache given
mod_proxy_erequest='$1' is not a valid request
mod_proxy_epurl='$1' is not a valid proxy URL
mod_proxy_elurl='$1' is not a valid local URL path
mod_proxy_erurl='$1' is not a valid remote URL
mod_proxy_eip='$1' is not a valid IP address
mod_proxy_ehost='$1' is not a valid hostname
mod_proxy_edomain='$1' is not a valid domain
mod_proxy_enet='$1' is not a valid network
mod_proxy_enetbit='$1' is not a valid network/bits pair
mod_proxy_eunder=Cache directory is not under the allowed directory
mod_proxy_rurl=Remote URL
mod_proxy_lurl=Local URL path
mod_proxy_headers=Map remote Location: headers to local
mod_proxy_ip=IP address
mod_proxy_net=IP network
mod_proxy_maxfw=Maximum proxies in request chain
mod_proxy_emaxfs=Maximum proxies in request chain must be an integer
mod_proxy_preserve=Preserve original Host: header
mod_proxy_timeout=Proxy request timeout in seconds
mod_proxy_etimeout=Proxy request timeout must be a number of seconds
mod_proxy_via=Set Via: headers

mod_log_agent_log=Browser log file
mod_log_agent_efile=$1 is not a valid agent log filename

mod_log_config_common=Common Log Format
mod_log_config_named=Named log formats
mod_log_config_deflog=Default log format
mod_log_config_write=Write to
mod_log_config_filprog=File or program
mod_log_config_ifset=If set
mod_log_config_log=Access log files
mod_log_config_enick='$1' is not a valid nickname
mod_log_config_eformat=No log format given for $1
mod_log_config_enofilprog=Missing log filename or program
mod_log_config_efilprog='$1' is not an allowed log filename or program
mod_log_config_eifset='If set' option cannot be used with the default log format
mod_log_config_edir=Directory for log file '$1' does not exist

mod_log_referer_log=Referer log file
mod_log_referer_nolog=Don't log references from
mod_log_referer_elog=$1 is not a valid referer log filename
mod_log_referer_edir=referer log is not under the allowed directory

mod_status_msg=Display extended status information

mod_mime_xtype=Extra MIME types
mod_mime_mtype=MIME type
mod_mime_chandl=Content handlers
mod_mime_cencs=Content encodings
mod_mime_cenc=Content encoding
mod_mime_clangs=Content languages
mod_mime_clang=Content language
mod_mime_defmime=Treat all files as MIME type
mod_mime_real=Real type
mod_mime_etype=Invalid MIME type
mod_mime_pass=Pass all files to handler
mod_mime_file=MIME types file
mod_mime_ignhand=Ignore handlers for extensions
mod_mime_xchars=Extra character sets
mod_mime_einvalid='$1' is not a valid $2
mod_mime_eext=No extensions given for $1 $2
mod_mime_igntype=Ignore MIME types for extension
mod_mime_ignenc=Ignore encodings for extension
mod_mime_deflang=Default language for files
mod_mime_edeflang=Missing default language
mod_mime_outfilter=Output filters
mod_mime_infilter=Input filters
mod_mime_filters=Filters to apply
mod_mime_efext=No extensions given for filter(s) $1

mod_setenvif_case=Match case
mod_setenvif_txt=Variables set based on request headers
mod_setenvif_eheader=Invalid request header '$1'
mod_setenvif_eregex=Invalid regular expression '$1'
mod_setenvif_evar=Invalid variable name '$1'

mod_userdir_all=All users accessible
mod_userdir_except=All users except
mod_userdir_dir=User WWW directory
mod_userdir_edir=You are not allowed to use the specified user WWW directory

mod_imap_action=Action on incorrect use of imagemaps
mod_imap_godefurl=Go to default URL
mod_imap_form=Show formatted menu
mod_imap_semiform=Show semi-formatted menu
mod_imap_unform=Show unformatted menu
mod_imap_disperr=Display server error
mod_imap_donoth=Do nothing
mod_imap_goimap=Go to imagemap URL
mod_imap_goref=Go to referring URL
mod_imap_gourl=Go to URL...
mod_imap_defact=Default action for imagemaps
mod_imap_root=Server root
mod_imap_imapurl=Imagemap URL
mod_imap_refurl=Referring URL
mod_imap_defbase=Default base for imagemaps
mod_imap_eurl='$1' is not a valid URL

mod_speling_autocorr=Automatically correct misspelled URLs?

mod_actions_mime=Handler / MIME type
mod_actions_cgiurl=CGI script URL
mod_actions_mimecgi=Handler or MIME type CGI actions
mod_actions_http=HTTP method
mod_actions_cgi=CGI script
mod_actions_httpcgi=HTTP method CGI actions
mod_actions_emime='$1' is not a valid handler or MIME type
mod_actions_ecgi='$1' is not a valid CGI script
mod_actions_enometh=No method chosen for CGI script '$1'

mod_include_incl=Process includes on files with execute bit?
mod_include_set=Yes and set last-modified date

mod_dir_txt=Directory index files

mod_autoindex_sort=Sort directory index by

browsermatch_regexp=Browser regex
browsermatch_case=Match case?
browsermatch_var=Set variable
browsermatch_txt=Variables set based on browser type
browsermatch_evar=Invalid variable name '$1'

autoindex_mime=MIME type
autoindex_alt=Alt text
autoindex_match=Match by
autoindex_fte=Filenames, types or encodings
autoindex_diricon=Directory index icons
autoindex_deficon=Directory index default icon
autoindex_edeficon=Invalid default icon URL
autoindex_diralt=Directory index ALT tags
autoindex_dirdesc=Directory index descriptions
autoindex_fancy=Display fancy directory indexes
autoindex_htmltitle=Display HTML title as description
autoindex_iheight=Icon height
autoindex_iwidth=Icon width
autoindex_sort=Allow user sorting of columns
autoindex_fildesc=Show file descriptions
autoindex_htags=Output HTML header tags
autoindex_mtime=Show last modified times
autoindex_size=Show file sizes
autoindex_iconlink=Include icon in link
autoindex_fwidth=Filename width
autoindex_dwidth=Description width
autoindex_dirfirst=Display directories first
autoindex_select=Selected below...
autoindex_diropt=Directory index options
autoindex_dirhead=Directory index header file
autoindex_edirhead=Invalid index header filename
autoindex_dirfoot=Directory index footer file
autoindex_edirfoot=Invalid index footer filename
autoindex_ignore=Files to ignore in directory index
autoindex_eiconurl='$1' is not a valid icon url
autoindex_emiss=Missing $1 for $2
autoindex_emissquot=Missing $1 for '$2'
autoindex_enodesc=No description for file $1
autoindex_enofile=No files for description '$1'
autoindex_eiconsize='$1' is not a valid icon size
autoindex_ewidth='$1' is not a valid width
autoindex_html=Generate HTML table
autoindex_client=Ignore client variables
autoindex_sicon=Show file icons
autoindex_srules=Show &lt;hr&gt; lines
autoindex_track=Include ETags in header
autoindex_version=Sort by version strings

mod_mime_magic_file=MIME magic numbers file
mod_mime_magic_efile=Invalid MIME magic numbers filename

mod_env_pass=Pass through
mod_env_set=Set to..
mod_env_cgivar=Environment variables for CGI scripts
mod_env_passall=Pass all environment variables to CGIs
mod_env_evar='$1' is not a valid variable name
mod_env_evalue='$1' is not a valid variable value

mod_access_order=Access checking order:
mod_access_denyallow=Deny then allow
mod_access_allowdeny=Allow then deny
mod_access_mutual=Mutual failure
mod_access_all=All requests
mod_access_host=Request from host...
mod_access_ip=Request from IP..
mod_access_pip=Request from partial IP..
mod_access_mask=Request from net/netmask..
mod_access_cidr=Request from net/CIDR..
mod_access_var=If variable is set..
mod_access_restr=Restrict access
mod_access_eip='$1' is not a valid IP address
mod_access_epip='$1' is not a valid partial IP address
mod_access_emask='$1' is not a valid network/netmask pair
mod_access_ecidr='$1' is not a valid network/CIDR pair
mod_access_evar='$1' is not a valid variable name

mod_auth_ufile=User text file
mod_auth_uedit=Edit users
mod_auth_gfile=Group text file
mod_auth_gedit=Edit groups
mod_auth_pass=Pass failures to next module?
mod_auth_auth=Text file authentication
mod_auth_eudir=User text file is not under the allowed directory
mod_auth_egdir=Group text file is not under the allowed directory
mod_auth_eufile=Invalid user text file name
mod_auth_egfile=Invalid group text file name

mod_auth_dbm_ufile=User DBM file
mod_auth_dbm_gfile=Group DBM file
mod_auth_dbm_pass=Pass failures to next module?
mod_auth_dbm_gpass=Pass group failures to next module?
mod_auth_dbm_auth=DBM file authentication
mod_auth_dbm_eufile=Invalid user DBM file name
mod_auth_dbm_egfile=Invalid group DBM file name
mod_auth_dbm_type=DBM database type
mod_auth_dbm_gtype=DBM group database type
mod_auth_dbm_default=Default DBM format

mod_cern_meta_process=Process header metafiles
mod_cern_meta_dir=Subdirectory for header metafiles
mod_cern_meta_edir=Invalid metafile subdirectory name
mod_cern_meta_suffix=File suffix for header metafiles
mod_cern_meta_esuffix=Invalid metafile suffix

mod_ssl_enable=Enable SSL?
mod_ssl_proto=SSL protocols
mod_ssl_cfile=Certificate/private key file
mod_ssl_ecfile=Missing certificate/private key file
mod_ssl_kfile=Private key file
mod_ssl_ekfile=Missing private key file
mod_ssl_cafile=Certificate authorities file
mod_ssl_ecafile=Missing certificate authorities key file
mod_ssl_clcert=Client SSL certificate
mod_ssl_nreq=Not required
mod_ssl_optca=Optional no CA
mod_ssl_cdepth=Client certificate depth
mod_ssl_ecdepth=Certificate depth must be an integer
mod_ssl_log=SSL log file
mod_ssl_elog=Missing SSL log file
mod_ssl_onlyssl=Allow SSL access only
mod_ssl_pass=Passwords for SSL keys
mod_ssl_passnone=Not set yet
mod_ssl_passph=Fixed password $1
mod_ssl_builtin=Prompt at startup
mod_ssl_passsc=Execute script $1
mod_ssl_epassph=No SSL password entered
mod_ssl_epasssc=Missing or invalid SSL password script
mod_ssl_ecerton=When SSL is enabled, a certificate file must be selected

mod_apachessl_notssl=Deny SSL access
mod_apachessl_forcessl=Force SSL/notSSL access?
mod_apachessl_capath=Path to directory with certificates of the Certification Authorities in
mod_apachessl_cafile=File with certificates of the Certification Authorities in
mod_apachessl_requiredcifher=Posible Cipher suites to use by SSL negotiation
mod_apachessl_requirecifher=Required cipher suites, used after the connection is established to verify the cipher
mod_apachessl_bancifher=List of cipher suites, as per SSLRequireCipher, except it bans them
mod_apachessl_usecrl=Check client certificates against an appropriate CRL (in SSLCACerificatePath)
mod_apachessl_crlcheckall=Check all certificates in the chain against their CRLs
mod_apachessl_oncrlexpiry=Named environment variable set to YES if the CRL has expired
mod_apachessl_onnocrl=Named environment variable set to YES if there is no CRL for the client certificate
mod_apachessl_onrevocation=Named environment variable set to YES if the client certificate is revoked
mod_apachessl_nocalist=Disable presentation of Certification Authorities list
mod_apachessl_exportcert=Export client certificates and the certificate chain behind them to CGIs
mod_apachessl_cachepaht=Path of the global cache server executable, gcache
mod_apachessl_ecachepaht=Missing global cache server executable
mod_apachessl_cacheport=Port/Socket of the global cache server executable
mod_apachessl_ecacheport=Error in Port number or file socket
mod_apachessl_cacherundir=Set the directory gcache runs in for debugging
mod_apachessl_ecacherundir=Missing directory gcache runs in
mod_apachessl_sesstimeout=Time in seconds that the session key will be cached
mod_apachessl_esesstimeout=Time in seconds must be an integer
mod_apachessl_ramdomfile=File/Socket for load some randomness
mod_apachessl_ramdomfilepc=File/Socket for load some randomness (per connection)
mod_apachessl_eramdomfilef=Missing File/Socket for load some randomness
mod_apachessl_eramdomfileb=Bytes must be an integer
mod_apachessl_nov2=Disable SSL version 2
mod_apachessl_fake=Simulates user basic authentication logons, using the certificate name
mod_apachessl_cdnfile=File against the client DN is checked
mod_apachessl_ecdnfile=Missing File against the client DN is checked

log_global=Changed global $1 options
log_virtc=Created server $1
log_virts=Reconfigured server $1
log_virtd=Deleted server $1
log_virtm=Manually edited server $1
log_virt=Changed $1 in server $2
log_dirc=Created directory $1
log_dirc_l=Created directory $1 in server $2
log_dirs=Changed directory $1
log_dirs_l=Changed directory $1 in server $2
log_dird=Deleted directory $1
log_dird_l=Deleted directory $1 in server $2
log_dirm=Manually edited directory $1
log_dirm_l=Manually edited directory $1 in server $2
log_dir=Changed $1 in directory $2
log_dir_l=Changed $1 in directory $2 in server $3
log_htaccessc=Created options file $1
log_htaccessd=Deleted options file $1
log_htaccessm=Manually edited options file $1
log_htaccess=Changed $1 in options file $2
log_filesc=Created file options for $1
log_filesc_l=Created file options for $1 in file $2
log_filess=Changed file options for $1
log_filess_l=Changed file options for $1 in file $2
log_filesd=Deleted file options for $1
log_filesd_l=Deleted file options for $1 in file $2
log_filesm=Manually edited file options for $1
log_filesm_l=Manually edited file options for $1 in file $2
log_files=Changed $1 in file options for $2
log_files_l=Changed $1 in file options for $2 in file $3
log_mime_modify=Modified MIME type $1
log_mime_create=Added MIME type $1
log_defines=Changed defined parameters
log_reconfig=Reconfigured known modules
log_mods=Changed configured Apache modules
log_start=Started webserver
log_stop=Stopped webserver
log_apply=Applied changes
log_manual=Manually edited configuration file $1
log_virts_delete=Deleted $1 virtual servers

search_title=Find Servers
search_notfound=No matching virtual servers found

mod_php_value=PHP Configuration Values
mod_php_flag=PHP Configuration Flags
mod_php_admin_value=PHP Admin Configuration Values
mod_php_admin_flag=PHP Admin Configuration Flags
mod_php_ename='$1' is an invalid name
mod_php_evalue='$1' is an invalid value for $2

mod_vhost_alias_root=Automatic virtual host root
mod_vhost_alias_ip=Use IP address instead of hostname?
mod_vhost_alias_script=Automatic virtual host cgi-bin
mod_vhost_alias_eroot=Missing or invalid virtual host root
mod_vhost_alias_eroot2=Virtual host root directory is not allowed
mod_vhost_alias_escript=Missing or invalid virtual host cgi-bin

worker_minspare=Minimum spare threads
worker_maxspare=Maximum spare threads
worker_eminspare=Minimum spare threads must be an integer
worker_emaxspare=Maximum spare threads must be an integer
worker_threads=Threads per child process
worker_ethreads=Number of threads per child process must be an integer

perchild_sthreads=Initial threads per child process
perchild_esthreads=Number of threads per child process must be an integer
perchild_numservers=Number of child processes
perchild_enumservers=Number of child processes must be an integer
perchild_maxthreads=Maximum threads per child process
perchild_emaxthreads=Maximum threads per child process must be an integer
perchild_assign=Tie virtual to child process
perchild_assignug=With UID $1 and GID $2
perchild_child=Child process UID assignments
perchild_num=Process number
perchild_enum=Process number must be a non-zero integer
perchild_euid=UID must be an integer
perchild_egid=GID must be an integer

cache_type=Cache store
cache_url=Base URL or path to cache
cache_endis=Paths and URLs to cache
cache_control=Ignore requests for uncached content?
cache_lastmod=Ignore responses where there is no Last-Modified Header?
cache_on=Caching enabled?
cache_eurl=Missing or invalid URL or path
cache_minfs=Minimum file size to cache
cache_maxfs=Maximum file size to cache
cache_eminfs=Minimum file size to cache must be a number of bytes
cache_emaxfs=Maximum file size to cache must be a number of bytes
cache_minos=Minimum object size to cache in memory
cache_maxos=Maximum object size to cache in memory
cache_eminos=Minimum object size to cache must be a number of bytes
cache_emaxos=Maximum object size to cache must be a number of bytes
cache_maxoc=Maximum objects to cache in memory
cache_emaxoc=Number of objects to cache in memory must be an integer

suexec_su=Εκτέλεση προγραμμάτων CGI ως
suexec_none=User from global configuration
suexec_user=Unix user
suexec_group=and group
suexec_euser=Missing or invalid user to run CGI programs as
suexec_egroup=Missing or invalid group to run CGI programs as

filter_intype=Input MIME type
filter_outtype=Output MIME type
filter_cmd=Filter command
filter_preserve=Preserves length?
filter_in=Input Filter Definitions
filter_out=Output Filter Definitions
filter_ename=Invalid filter name '$1'
filter_ecmd=Missing command for filter '$1'

cdir_err=Failed to create per-directory options
cdir_err2=Failed to save per-directory options
cdir_epath=Missing path
cdir_eproxy=Proxy options cannot be created with the match regexp option enabled
cdir_ecannot=You are not allowed to create per-directory options for the given path

mod_band_enable=Bandwidth limiting enabled?
mod_band_bw=Limit (bytes/sec)
mod_band_client=For clients
mod_band_ent=IP or domain
mod_band_bandwidth=Client bandwidth limits
mod_band_ebw='$1' is not a valid bandwidth limit
mod_band_eclient=Missing or invalid client IP, network or domain for bandwidth limit '$1'
mod_band_size=Minimum file size
mod_band_sizelimit=File size bandwidth limits
mod_band_esize=Missing or invalid file size for bandwidth limit '$1'
mod_band_max=Maximum concurrent connections
mod_band_emax=Missing or invalid number of concurrent connections
mod_band_pulse=Interval between limited packets (in ms)
mod_band_epulse=Missing or invalid interval between limited packets
mod_band_dir=Bandwidth limiting data files directory
mod_band_edir=Missing or non-existant bandwidth data files directory
mod_band_esubdir=Missing required subdirectory <tt>$1</tt> under bandwidth data files directory

mod_dav_active=WebDAV enabled?
mod_dav_inf=Allowing infinite depth DAV PROPFIND requests?
mod_dav_timeout=Minimum DAV timeout in seconds
mod_dav_etimeout=Missing or invalid DAV timeout

delete_err=Failed to delete virtual servers
delete_enone=None selected
delete_ecannot=You are not allowed to delete servers
delete_ecannot2=You are not allowed to edit the server $1

syslog_desc=Καταγραφή σφαλμάτων Apache

mod_auth_basic_pass=Pass basic login failures to next module?
mod_auth_basic_prov=Basic login user file types
mod_auth_basic_file=Αρχείο κειμένου
mod_auth_basic_dbm=Βάση δεδομένων DBM

mod_auth_digest_pass=Pass digest login failures to next module?
mod_auth_digest_prov=Digest login user file types
mod_auth_digest_al=Hashing algorithm
mod_auth_digest_domain=URLs and paths in same domain
mod_auth_digest_edomain=Missing URLs and paths in same domain

mods_title=Ρύθμιση Πρόσθετων Apache
mods_state=Τρέχουσα κατάσταση
mods_available=Διαθέσμο προς εγκατάσταση
mods_ecannot=Δεν σας επιτρέπεται να ρυθμίσετε πρόσθετα του Apache
mods_save=Ενεργοποίηση Επιλεγμένων Πρόσθετων
mods_desc=Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να επιλέξετε ποια προαιρετικά πρόσθετα του Apache θα είναι ενεργά, χρησιμοποιώντας το κουτάκι επιλογής δίπλα σε κάθε όνομα πρόσθετου. Να είστε προσεκτικοί όταν απενεργοποιείτε κάποιο πρόσθετο, καθώς όλες οι ισχύουσες οδηγίες που είναι συγκεκριμένες για αυτό, δεν θα αναγνωρίζονται πλέον.

Anon7 - 2022