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Current File : /usr/share/calendar//calendar.history
 * History
 * $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/calendar/calendars/calendar.history 320427 2017-06-28 00:50:51Z grog $

#ifndef _calendar_history_
#define _calendar_history_

01/01	Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution in Cuba
01/01	Castro expels Cuban President Batista, 1959
01/01	Churchill delivers his "Iron Curtain" speech, 1947
01/01	First Rose Bowl; Michigan 49 - Stanford 0, 1902
01/04	Quadrantid meteor shower (look north)
01/05	-50 degrees F, Strawberry UT, 1913
01/05	The FCC hears the first demonstration of FM radio, 1940
01/05	Twelfth night
01/06	Millard Fillmore's birthday (let's party!)
01/08	Battle of New Orleans
01/09	Plough Monday
01/10	First meeting of United Nations General Assembly in London, 1946
01/10	Thomas Paine's Common Sense published, 1776
01/11	Anniversary of the Peoples Republic of Albania
01/11	De Hostos' Birthday in Puerto Rico
01/11	Milk delivered in bottles for first time, 1878
01/11	Prithvi Jayanti in Nepal
01/11	Surgeon General condemned cigarettes, 1964
01/11	The Whiskey-A-Go-Go opens on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, 1963
01/14	The first "Be-In" is held in Golden Gate Park, 1967
01/16	Prohibition begins, 1920
01/18	Grey whale migration, California
01/20	St. Agnes Eve (Ah, bitter chill it was...)
01/24	Eskimo Pie patented by Christian Nelson, 1922
01/24	Gold discovered in California at Sutter's Mill, 1848
01/26	Sydney, New South Wales settled, 1788
01/27	Grissom, White and Chaffe burned to death in Apollo 1, 1967
01/27	Vietnam War cease-fire signed, 1973
01/28	First ski tow, Woodstock VT, 1914
01/28	Space Shuttle Challenger (51-L) explodes 74 seconds after liftoff
	killing Scobee, Smith, McNair, Resnick, Jarvis, Onizuka and McAuliffe,
01/30	Mohandas Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi by Hindu fanatic, 1948
01/30	Tet Offensive, 1968
01/31	"Ham" the chimpanzee soars into space aboard Mercury-Redstone 2, 1961
01/31	Explorer I launched, 1958.  Van Allen Belt discovered
01/31	Irving Langmuir, 1881, invented tungsten filament lamp
02/01	First TV soap: Secret Storm, 1954
02/01	Forces led by Khomeini take over Iran, 1979
02/01	Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) disintegrates 15 minutes before landing
	killing Husband, McCool, Chawla, Clark, Ramon, Brown, and Anderson, 2003
02/04	Cybernet inaugurated, 1969
02/04	Patricia Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army, 1974
02/08	1963 Revolution Anniversary in Iraq
02/09	-51 degrees F, Vanderbilt MI, 1934
02/12	US President Abraham Lincoln's real birthday
02/12	Santa Barbara oil leak, 1969
02/14	Bombing of Dresden, 1945
02/15	Chicago Seven convicted, 1970
02/16	Nylon patented, 1937
02/16	Stephen Decatur burns US frigate in Tripoli, 1804
02/18	Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory, AZ, 1930
02/19	US Marines land on Iwo Jima, 1945
02/20	John Glenn orbits the Earth 3 times, 1962
02/21	Battle of Verdun begins, 1916 1M casualties
02/21	First telephone directory, New Haven, Connecticut, 1878
02/21	Malcom X shot to death in Harlem, 1965
02/23	Lt. Calley confesses, implicates Cpt. Medina, 1971
02/24	Impeachment proceedings against Andrew Johnson begin, 1868
02/28	The "French Connection" drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
02/29	French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704
03/01	Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba arrested for witchcraft
	in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692
03/02	Blackthorn winds (New England) (Does anyone know what this is?)
03/04	First meeting of Congress, 1789, in N.Y.C.
03/13	"Striptease" introduced, Paris, 1894
03/14	Teddy Roosevelt excludes Japanese laborers from continental US, 1907
03/15	Day of the 1848 revolution in Hungary
03/15	Buzzards return to Hinckley OH
03/15	France assumes protectorate over Vietnam, 1874
03/15	Watts, Los Angeles, riots kill two, injure 25, 1966
03/15	Ides of March.  Gaius Julius Caesar assassinated by senators,
	including adoptive son Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio, 44BC
03/16	MyLai Massacre; 300 non-combatant villagers killed by US infantrymen
03/16	Robert Goddard launches first liquid-fueled rocket, Auburn MA, 1926
03/17	Vanguard I launched, 1958.  Earth proved pear-shaped
03/18	Aleksei Leonov performs first spacewalk, 1965
03/19	Swallows return to Capistrano
03/20	Radio Caroline, the original British pirate radio station, sinks, 1980
03/24	Construction of New York subway system begins, 1900
03/25	Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911
03/26	Popeye statue unveiled, Crystal City TX Spinach Festival, 1937
03/27	Khrushchev becomes Premier of Soviet Union, 1958
03/28	Three Mile Island releases radioactive gas, 1979
03/29	Swedish settled Christiana (Wilmington) DE, 1638
03/30	Alaska purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, 1867
03/30	Five rings around Uranus discovered, 1977
03/30	Pencil with eraser patented, 1858
04/01	People of superb intelligence, savoir-faire, etc. born this day.
04/04	Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, 1968
04/04	NATO Established, 1949
04/06	Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church, 1830
04/07	Alewives run, Cape Cod
04/08	Matthew Flinders and Nicolas Baudin meet in Encounter Bay, 1802
04/09	Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, 1865
04/12	Confederate troops fire first shots of Civil War at Ft Sumter, 1861
04/12	Space Shuttle Columbia launched, 1981
04/12	Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space, 1961
04/13	Laotian New Year (3 days) in Laos
04/14	US President Abraham Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, 1865
04/14	Titanic hits iceberg and sinks, 1912
04/15	US President Abraham Lincoln dies, 1865
04/15	Ray Kroc opens first McDonalds in Des Plaines, IL, 1955
04/17	Bay of Pigs invasion crushed by Castro forces, 1961
04/18	Einstein's Death, 1955
04/18	First Laundromat opens, Fort Worth Texas, 1934
04/18	San Francisco earthquake, 1906
04/19	Landing of the "33" in Uruguay
04/19	Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 1943
04/20	Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of busing, 1971
04/21	Lyrid meteor shower
04/22	Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, called Lenin, Russian political leader, born in Simbirsk, 1870
04/23	Hank Aaron hits his first home run, 1954
04/26	William Shakespeare baptized in Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1564,
	birthdate unknown
04/27	Magellan killed in Philippines, 1521
04/29	Zipper patented by Gideon Sindback, 1913
05/01	Beltaine; Feast of the god Bel, sun god
05/03	Anti-war protest disrupts business in Washington, 1971
05/04	Four Kent State students are shot down by the National Guard, 1970
05/05	John Scopes arrested for teaching evolution, Dayton, TN, 1925
05/06	Hindenburg explodes and burns upon landing at Lakehurst, NJ, 1937
05/07	Germany surrenders after WWII, 1945
05/08	Beginning of ostrich mating season
05/08	US institutes mining of Haiphong Harbor, 1972
05/09	94 degrees, New York, 1979
05/10	Germany invades Low Countries, 1940
05/10	Nazi bookburning, 1933
05/14	Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804
05/14	Nation of Israel proclaimed, 1948
05/15	Asylum for Inebriates founded, Binghamton NY, 1854
05/17	24" rain in 11 hours, Pearl River, S. China, 1982
05/17	Six SLA members killed in televised gun fight, 1974
05/18	Battle of Las Piedras in Uruguay
05/18	Napoleon crowned Emperor, 1804
05/21	Battle of Iquique in Chile
05/21	US explodes first hydrogen bomb, 1956
05/22	US Civil War ends, 1865
05/23	Israeli raid into Argentina to capture Adolf Eichmann, 1960
05/23	Two Yetis sighted, Mt. Everest, 1953
05/23	Federal Republic of Germany founded, 1949
05/24	Battle of Pinchincha in Ecuador
05/25	Oral Roberts sees 900 foot tall Jesus Christ, Tulsa OK, 1980
05/25	Successful test of the limelight in Purfleet, England, 1830
05/26	Congress sets first immigration quotas, 1924
05/27	Golden Gate Bridge opens, 1937
05/29	Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norkay climb Mt. Everest, 1953
05/29	First food stamps issued, 1961
05/30	US Marines sent to Nicaragua, 1912
06/02	Native Americans "granted" citizenship, 1924
06/04	Roquefort cheese developed, 1070
06/05	Robert Kennedy assassinated, 1968
06/05	US leaves the Gold Standard, 1933
06/06	First drive-in movie, 1933
06/06	Normandy landing, 1944
06/10	Death of Alexander the Great, 323 B.C.
06/10	Denver police tear gas Jethro Tull and 2000 fans at Red Rocks, 1971
06/11	Greeks seize Troy, 1184BC
06/13	Pioneer flies past Neptune, and therefore out of the Solar System
06/14	Sandpaper invented by I. Fischer, Jr., 1834
06/15	Ben Franklin's kite experiment, 1752
06/15	Magna Carta signed, 1215
06/15	Series of photographs by Edward Muggeridge prove to Leland Stanford
	that all the hooves of a horse are off the ground during the gallop,
06/16	"The Blues Brothers" premieres in Chicago, 1980
06/17	China explodes its first Hydrogen bomb, 1967
06/17	Watergate Democratic National Committee break-in, 1972
06/19	Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in Sing-Sing prison, 1953
06/19	Lizzie Bordon acquitted, 1893
06/20	Victoria crowned, 1837
06/21	Berlin airlift begins, 1948
06/21	Sun rises over Heelstone at Stonehenge
06/22	Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964
06/23	Slavery abolished in England, 1772
06/24	Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970
06/25	Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
06/25	North Korea invades South Korea, 1950
06/26	Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
06/26	St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower & Queen Elizabeth II, 1959
06/26	Toothbrush invented, 1498
06/27	100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915
06/27	Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971
06/28	Supreme Court decides in favor of Allan Bakke, 1978
06/30	"That" explosion in Siberia, 1908
06/30	China and Soviet Union announce split over ideology, 1960
07/01	Battle of Gettysburg begins, 1863
07/03	Dog days begin
07/04	Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg won by Union forces, 1863
07/04	Cloudy, 76 degrees, Philadelphia PA, 1776
07/04	New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote, 1776
07/04	Thoreau enters woods, 1845
07/06	First `talkie' (talking motion picture) premiere in New York, 1928
07/06	Lawrence of Arabia captures Aqaba, 1917
07/07	First radio broadcast of "Dragnet", 1949
07/07	Terrorists detonate four bombs on London public transport, 2005
07/08	First public reading of the Declaration of Independence, 1776
07/08	Liberty Bell cracks while being rung at funeral of John Marshall, 1835
07/09	10-hour working day set by law, NH, 1847
07/10	134 degrees in Death Valley, 1913
07/12	Minimum wages established: 40 cents/hour, 1933
07/13	Women first compete in Olympic games, 1908
07/16	Detonation of the first atomic bomb at Alamagordo, NM, 1945
07/17	Disneyland opens, 1955
07/18	Ty Cobb gets 4000th base hit, 1927
07/19	Five Massachusetts women executed for witchcraft, 1692
07/20	Armstrong and Aldrin land on moon, 1969
07/21	First Train Robbery, Jesse James gets $3000 near Adair, Iowa, 1873
07/21	Vietnam divided at 17th parallel, 1954
07/23	Ice cream cone introduced, St. Louis MO, 1904
07/24	Scopes Monkey Trial, 1925
07/30	"In God We Trust" made US motto, 1956
07/31	Harry S. Truman dedicates N.Y. Int'l Airport @ Idlewild Field, 1948,
	later JFK
08/01	Lughnasa; Feast of the god Lugh, a 30 day Celtic feast centers on
	this day
08/03	Columbus sets sail for Cathay, 1492
08/03	USS Nautilus crosses under north polar ice cap, 1958
08/04	Axe murder of Andrew and Abbey Borden, 1892
08/04	Bombing of N. Vietnam begins, 1964
08/04	Britain declares war on Germany starting World War I, 1914
08/06	Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 1945
08/06	Caricom in Barbados
08/06	Cy Young pitches first game, 1890
08/08	Montenegro declares war on Germany, 1914
08/08	Richard Nixon resigns the US presidency, 1974
08/08	The Great Train Robbery -- $7,368,000, 1963
08/09	Helter Skelter... the Charles Manson murders take place, 1969
08/09	Persia defeats Spartan King Leonidas at Thermopylae, 480 BC
08/09	US/Canada border defined in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 1842
08/09	Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, 1945
08/09	Singapore secedes from Malaysia, 1965
08/10	Chicago incorporated as a village of 300 people, 1833
08/10	US and Panama agree to transfer the canal in the year 2000, 1977
08/11	Dog days end
08/11	France Ends War in Indochina, 1954
08/11	Perseid meteor shower (look north; three days)
08/12	First test flight of Space Shuttle "Enterprise" from 747, 1977
08/12	Last US ground troops out of Vietnam, 1972
08/13	Berlin wall erected, 1961
08/13	Li'l Abner debut, 1934
08/14	Social Security begins in US, 1935
08/15	Gandhi's movement obtains independence for Pakistan and India, 1947
08/15	Hurricane hits Plymouth Plantation, 1635
08/16	Roller Coaster patented, 1898
08/17	First public bath opened in N.Y., 1891
08/18	Anti-Cigarette League of America formed
08/19	Air Force cargo plane snares payload from Discoverer 14 spy satellite,
	marking start of practical military reconnaissance from space, 1960
08/19	Gail Borden patents condensed milk, 1856
08/22	Death of King Richard III, 1485, Last of the Plantagenets
08/22	Joe Walker sets X-15 all time altitude mark (67 miles), 1963
08/22	St. Columbia reports seeing monster in Loch Ness, 565
08/23	Sacco and Vanzetti executed, 1927
08/24	"Alice's Restaurant" premieres in New York and Los Angeles, 1969
08/24	-126.9 F at Vostok, Antarctica, 1960
08/24	British troops burn Washington, 1814
08/25	Gen. De Gaulle leads French forces into Paris, 1944
08/26	19th amendment of US constitution gives women the vote, 1920
08/27	"Tarzan of the Apes" published, 1912
08/27	Krakatoa, Java explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons, 1883
08/28	Martin Luther King leads over 200,000 in civil rights rally in Washington, DC, 1963
08/29	Star in Cygnus goes nova and becomes 4th brightest in sky, 1975;
	Nova Cygni 1975.
08/30	75 cents a pound tariff set on opium, 1842
08/30	Japan Stationery Co. sells first felt-tipped pen, 1960
08/30	St. Rose of Lima in Peru
08/30	Washington-to-Moscow hot line connected, 1963
08/31	269 people killed after Korean Airlines 747 shot down by USSR, 1983
08/31	Mary Anne Nichols becomes Jack the Ripper's first victim, 1888
08/31	Non-aggression pact signed by USSR and Afghanistan, 1926
08/31	Federation of Malaya gains independence from Great Britain, 1957
09/01	Bobby Fischer defeats Boris Spassky in World Chess Match, 1972
09/01	Joshua A. Norton proclaims himself 'Emperor Norton I', 1859
09/02	Great Britain adopts Gregorian Calendar, 1752
09/02	Japan signs unconditional surrender on US battleship `Missouri', 1945
09/03	Richard ``the Lionheart'' crowned king of England, 1189
09/03	Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic in San Marino
09/05	US President Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests, 1961
09/05	The first Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia, 1774
09/06	149 Pilgrims set forth from England aboard the Mayflower, 1620
09/06	First Star Trek episode (The Man Trap) aired 1966
09/06	US President McKinley shot, 1901
09/06	Somhlolo in Swaziland
09/08	"Star Trek" debuts on NBC (1966)
09/08	Jack the Ripper kills again, Annie Chapman is second victim, 1888
09/08	US President Ford pardons Richard M. Nixon, 1974
09/09	California becomes the 31st state of the USA, 1850
09/09	United Colonies is renamed the United States, 1776
09/10	Mountain Meadows Massacre.  Mormons kill Gentile wagon train, 1857
09/11	CIA-sponsored terrorists overthrow Chilean government, murder President Allende, 1973
09/11	Terrorists destroy World Trade Center in New York, 2001
09/12	German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from captivity in Rome, 1943
09/12	Germany annexes Sudetenland, 1938
09/13	58 °C (136.4 °F) measured at el Azizia, Libya, 1922
09/13	British defeat the French at the Plains of Abraham, just outside the walls of Quebec City, 1759
09/13	Building of Hadrian's Wall begun, 122
09/13	Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China, 1943
09/14	Benjamin Franklin is sent to France as an American minister, 1778
09/14	Salem, Massachusetts, is founded, 1629
09/14	The US Selective Service Act establishes the first peacetime draft, 1940
09/15	Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev begins his 13 day tour of the US, 1959
09/15	The US Foreign Affairs Dept. becomes the US State Department, 1789
09/16	The village of Shawmut, Massachusetts, becomes the city of Boston, 1630
09/16	Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore unite to become Malaysia, 1963
09/17	Battle of Antietam, 1862
09/18	Victory of Uprona in Burundi
09/19	New Zealand women get the right to vote, 1893
09/20	Equal Rights Party nominates Belva Lockwood for US President, 1884
09/20	First meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
	Science, 1848
09/20	First meeting of the US National Research Council, 1916
09/20	Magellan leaves Spain on the first Round the World passage, 1519
09/20	The Roxy Theater opens in Hollywood, 1973
09/22	US President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, 1862
09/22	Special prosecutor Leon Jeworski subpoenas US President Nixon, 1974
09/22	The first Soviet atomic bomb explodes, 1949
09/23	Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law, 1972
09/23	The New York Knickerbockers becomes the first US Baseball club, 1845
09/23	US Vice President Nixon denies campaign fund fraud with his "Checkers" speech, 1952
09/25	Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on US Supreme Court, 1981
09/27	The first passenger was hauled in a locomotive in England, 1825
09/28	"Pilgrim's Progress" published, 1678
09/28	A Greek soldier runs 26+ miles after the Persian defeat at Marathon,
09/30	Red Jack kills 2, Elizabeth Stride (#3) and Catherine Eddowes (#4),
09/30	The first tooth is extracted under anesthesia in Charleston, Mass, 1846
09/30	The verdicts of the Nuremberg trials are announced, 1946
10/01	NASA officially begins operations, 1958
10/02	Thurgood Marshall sworn as the first black Supreme Court Justice, 1967
10/04	Crimean war begins, 1853
10/04	First space vehicle, Sputnik I, launched, 1957
10/06	Antioch College is the first public school to admit men and women, 1853
10/06	Egyptian President Anwar es-Sadat is assassinated in Cairo, 1981
10/06	Israel is attacked by the alliance of Egypt and Syria, 1973
10/07	Foundation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR or DDR), 1949
10/07	Georgia Tech. beats Cumberland Univ. 222-0, 1916
10/07	Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel sent to prison on fraud charges, 1977
10/07	Mother Teresa of Calcutta awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1979
10/07	Police stop Wilbur Mills car, Fanne Fox jumps into water, 1974
10/08	Great Chicago Fire, 1871
10/09	First two-way telephone conversation, 1876
10/10	Beginning of the Wars for Independence in Cuba
10/10	Foundation of the Workers Party in North Korea
10/10	Mercury at Superior Conjunction with Sun.  Moves into night sky. (1984)
10/10	Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice-President due to income tax fraud, 1973
10/11	"Saturday Night Live" premiers on NBC-TV, 1975
10/11	The Gang of Four are arrested in Peking, 1976
10/11	The first steam powered ferry ran between New York and Hoboken, 1811
10/11	The second Vatican Ecumenical Council opens in Rome, 1962
10/11	First broadcast of Saturday Night Live, 1975
10/12	Bahama Natives discover Columbus of Europe lost on their shores, 1492
10/12	Khrushchev pounds his desk with shoe during a speech to the UN, 1960
10/12	Man O'War's last race, 1920
10/12	Native Americans discover Columbus of Europe lost on their shores, 1492
10/13	Italy declares war on Germany, 1943
10/13	US Navy born, 1775, authorized by the Second Continental Congress
10/14	Battle of Hastings won by William the Conqueror and the Normans, 1066
10/14	Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier, 1947
10/15	First draft card burned, 1965
10/18	Boston Shoemakers form first US labor org., 1648
10/18	Soviets announce their probe took photos of the Moon's far side, 1959
10/19	Mao Tse-tung establishes the People's Republic of China, 1949
10/19	Napoleon's beaten army begins the long retreat from Moscow, 1812
10/20	"Saturday Night Massacre", 1973
10/20	OPEC embargo, 1973
10/21	Edison makes the first practical incandescent lamp, 1879
10/21	Guggenheim Museum opens, 1959
10/23	Battle of Leyte Gulf begins, 1944
10/23	Day of the 1956 revolution in Hungary
10/23	Earth created at 6:30 AM, 4004BC.
10/23	Swallows leave Capistrano
10/25	The UN removes Taiwan and admits the People's Republic of China, 1971
10/26	UN's World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated, 1978
10/27	New York's Boss Tweed is arrested on fraud charges, 1871
10/27	The first New York Subway is opened, 1904
10/28	Columbus discovers Cuba, 1492
10/28	Constantine's army defeats forces of Maxentius at Mulvian Bridge, 312
10/28	Harvard was founded in Massachusetts, 1636
10/28	Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island, 1886
10/29	Stock Market Crash, 1929
10/30	Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast, 1938
10/31	Luther nails 95 Theses to door of Castle Church, Wittenberg, 1517
11/01	Austria-Hungary become two separate nations, 1918
11/01	Puerto Rican nationalists try to kill Truman at the Blair House, 1950
11/02	Luftwaffe completes 57 consecutive nights of bombing of London, 1940
11/02	Two Frenchmen make the first free hot air balloon flight, 1783
11/03	Beef rises to 3 cents a pound, IL, 1837
11/03	Linus Pauling wins Nobel Chemistry Prize, 1954
11/03	Sputnik II launched, 1957, bearing space dog Laika
11/04	Iranian militants seize US embassy personnel in Teheran, 1979
11/04	Soviet forces crush the anti-communist revolt in Hungary, 1956
11/05	Guy Fawkes' Plot, 1605
11/07	Abolitionist newspaperman Elijah P. Lovejoy murdered by mob, 1837
11/07	Lewis and Clark Expedition in sight of the Pacific Ocean, 1805
11/09	Blackout of New York, New England, and Eastern Canada, 1965
11/09	Giant panda discovered (?!), China, 1927
11/09	Jack the Ripper kills fifth and final victim, Jane Kelly, 1888
11/09	Margaret Sanger forms American Birth Control League, 1921
11/09	Roosevelt establishes the Civil Works Administration, 1933
11/10	41 Women arrested in suffragette demonstrations near White House, 1917
11/10	Cpt. Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison hanged, 1865
11/10	Henry Stanley asks David Livingstone, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?", 1871
11/11	Washington becomes the 42nd state, 1889
11/12	Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday in Taiwan
11/12	USA first exports oil to Europe, 1861
11/14	Quarter Pounder price raised from $0.53 to $0.55 in violation of Nixon
	price controls (but okayed by Price Commission after formal request
	from McDonald's), 1971
11/15	Niagara Falls power plant startup, 1896
11/16	Opening of the Suez Canal, 1869
11/16	Albert Hofmann synthesizes LSD in Switzerland, 1938
11/17	46,000 meteoroids fall over AZ in 20 minutes, 1966
11/17	Richard Nixon says "I am not a crook.", 1973
11/18	First hydrogen bomb blasts Enewetok, 1952
11/18	Local standard time zones established for US, 1883
11/19	Gettysburg Address delivered, 1863
11/21	Announcement of 18 1/2 minute gap on Watergate tape, 1973
11/22	Kennedy shot in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
11/23	First broadcast of Dr. Who (longest running TV series), 1963
11/24	Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, 1963
11/25	Alfred Nobel invents dynamite, 1867
11/27	Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize, 1895
11/27	Friction match invented, England, 1826
11/27	Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed, 1873, in NW Massachusetts
11/29	King Tut's tomb opened, 1922
12/01	First national corn-husking championship, Alleman IA, 1924
12/01	Martin Luther King Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery buses, 1955
12/01	Rosa Parks refuses to move to back of the bus (Montgomery, AL), 1953
12/03	First neon light display, Paris, 1910
12/03	First successful human heart transplant led by Dr. Barnard, 1967
12/03	The Montreux Casino burns down during a Frank Zappa concert, 1971
12/04	Washington takes leave of his officers at Fraunce's Tavern, NYC, 1783
12/05	End of Prohibition, 1933 (at least the alcohol part)
12/05	Phi Beta Kappa founded, 1776
12/05	The Eighteenth Amendment repealed, ending Prohibition, 1933
12/07	Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, 1941
12/08	Japan enters Second World War with invasion of Pantai Sabak, Kelantan, 1941
12/09	Ball-bearing roller skates patented, 1884
12/10	Metric system established in France, 1799
12/10	Nobel Peace Prize awarded each year
12/12	First wireless message sent across Atlantic by Marconi, 1901
12/13	Apollo 17 leaves the moon, with "last" men to walk on moon aboard, 1972
12/13	Dartmouth College chartered, 1769
12/13	Geminid meteor shower (look south)
12/15	Argo Merchant oil spill, 1976
12/15	Bill of Rights adopted, 1791
12/15	James Naismith invents basketball, Canada, 1891
12/15	Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest, 1890
12/20	US buys ~1,000,000 sq. miles of Louisiana for ~$20/sq.mi.
12/21	Phileas Fogg completes his trip around the world in less than 80 days
12/21	Women gain the right to vote in South Australia, 1894
12/21	Women gain the right to hold political office in South Australia, 1894
12/24	KKK formed in Pulaski, Tenn, 1865
12/26	DPMA founded, 1951
12/27	APT report published, 1956
12/27	Ether first used as anesthetic in childbirth, 1845
12/28	Comet Kohoutek at perihelion, 1973
12/28	Proclamation of the Province of South Australia, 1836
12/29	Battle of Wounded knee, 1890
12/30	First Los Angeles freeway dedicated, 1940
12/31	St. Sylvester in Switzerland
12/31	Winterland closes its doors, 1978

#endif /* !_calendar_history_ */

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